Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Who says anythin' about goin' in with Rico ? ’
2 There are flashing units for flashing up to abutments or , if desired , these can be reversed to run into gutters .
3 You can adapt the menus for eating away from home , i.e. at work or even in a restaurant .
4 perceiving through reflecting all as will .
5 This lovely Victorian house is quite blissfully situated amongst a cluster of houses , in the village of Alnmouth , right on the banks of the river estuary , with only a small garden and a ‘ no through ’ road between it and the beach — it is brilliant for tumbling out of bed and enjoying a long walk on almost deserted sands .
6 Their long mobile noses are used for rooting around in search of small animals .
7 We hope we will be forgiven for editing out of Dr Schore 's discussion of the background to LM 's but inclusion would have meant duplication since John Tomlinson 's Dose Dilution and the LM Potencies already covers the points he makes .
8 There is also the potential for catching then in jerseys and sleeves , so Pintail Supplies recommend a leather apron — which they conveniently supply — and care .
9 With commercial considerations about patenting strongly in mind , they pursued unfamiliar compounds , not related to the barbiturates or other sedatives or tranquillizers then known .
10 In the case of Owen and Huxley there was a complex relationship , for Owen had been almost his father-in-science ; but Owen had other serious reasons for seeing little in Darwinism .
11 We will pay you 2,000 for seeing through to completion the data files from the submitted ASCII files for the first four titles of Reading for English , 50% of this on signature of this letter and 50% on delivery .
12 The ROK armed forces were to be developed so as to be capable of handling internal dissent but the issue as to its capacity for reacting effectively to North Korea was side-stepped .
13 Californians have a reputation for latching on to fads , and it 's true — yet a lot of what they preach is eminently sensible .
14 The solos still grate , but at least you can get the beers in at this point without fear of missing anything serious — although Hammett has included an axe-trashing coda to his widdly-widdly section ; that 's what you get for hanging out with Nirvana .
16 What is our mechanism for keeping up to date ?
17 If you have any doubts about your ability to fix a burst pipe , a storm-damaged roof , or a boiler that does on the blink , it may be worth signing up for Homercare , the new 24-hour emergency repair and assistance service from Europ Assistance .
18 FERGIE may have found it difficult to learn Her Royal Lessons , but you do n't have to be a fitness connoisseur to see that she has learned a thing or two about keeping in Of course her title of the Disappearing Duchess takes on a different meaning now a year ago it referred to her ability to lose five stones of regal flab .
19 By contrast , general purposive browsing describes the academic researcher who indulges in a similar activity of looking over books but with a serious purpose in mind , such as keeping up to date in his field or looking for new ideas .
20 At the turn of the year , clients dithered about signing up for consultancy projects .
21 Between keeping up with opera , theatre , art exhibitions and all the other things that the upper middle classes go in for , my playtime was severely limited .
22 IN A culture and a century that have doubts about matching up to Prince Hamlet , feeling fitted at best to the role of attendant lord , it 's astonishing that Shakespeare 's Henry V should become , except at a time of national emergency , a resonant figure of any sort .
23 You get the odd burglary , but you do n't worry about walking around at night .
24 Ferd seemed like the kind of creature who would know about leaping out at folks .
25 People interested in agricultural improvement in the nineteenth century — in improving farming methods , in increasing the potential yield of land and in methods of improving the manner of storage of its produce — saw the formal lease as a mechanism for spelling out in advance precisely who was responsible for what , and for enshrining in legal terms how the land was to be utilised .
26 He says all the stuff about storming off to Paris and missing practices were rumours spread by Wilko .
27 Good buys : Any duty free goods are worth purchasing either on board or in port .
28 The Rangers midfield player , who used to stand on the Elland Road terraces , fears Howard Wilkinson 's champions could copy Arsenal by going into free-fall after crashing out of Europe .
29 so the scumites may face a hard task down in Ankara ( ? ) — lets hope this leads to the kind of league form for Scum that we had after crashing out of Europe last year ; - ) YES !
30 After gathering again in Milton Keynes in the early hours of this morning they all decided to leave the field at the same time , but there were only two exits .
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