Example sentences of "[prep] [num] and he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 After lifting the European Formula Three crown in 1979 , he was offered a position alongside John Watson in the McLaren Formula One team for 1980 and he picked up a point on his debut in the Argentine Grand Prix .
2 His health began to deteriorate seriously towards the end of 1826 and he died at South Bank 17 February 1827 .
3 He never left the centre circle but the People reporter gave him nine out of ten and he deserved it . ’
4 Er however , I got there at quarter past ten and he followed me in .
5 And he came at half past seven and he cleaned it and he looked at it , and he said er it was n't anything that he could see , he thinks it was just down draught , but we 've had winds before .
6 Rhee had been expelled from the exiled ‘ government ’ because of his maverick qualities in 1925 and he had then functioned as an independent , although claiming still to be the authentic voice of the government .
7 He was acclaimed in Leipzig in 1820–2 and he retired in 1830 , moving to Lichfield , Staffordshire , and then to Evesham , Worcestershire .
8 He became the first Marquess of Exeter in 1801 and he died in 1804 , aged 50 .
9 Christopher Wood 's last New York exhibition on this theme was held at the Shepherd in 1985 and he felt the present time to be right for another one , particularly given the slackness of the London market at present .
10 It was his best return since taking seven for 99 against Glamorgan at Swansea in 1985 and he did the damage despite bowling with a swollen knee .
11 John Davies has not exhibited in London since 1984 when he converted Marlborough into an arena of circus figures , although the Sainsbury Centre in Norwich mounted a survey in 1985 and he showed in his gallery 's branch in New York in 1989 .
12 The Abbey was founded by David I in 1178 and he granted to the Canons the right to establish their own Burgh of Canongate between the Abbey and the royal burgh of Edinburgh .
13 She died in 1899 and he married again , a woman called Georgina , who appears to have died in 1905 .
14 He was among the Wiltshire justices reproved for obstructing royal purveyors of timber for the navy in 1637 and he refused a contribution to the expenses of the bishops ' war two years later .
15 His responsibilities in Africa ended in 1962 and he moved to take control of the group 's European operations which were beginning to take off .
16 It was Tylor who first taught anthropology under this name at Oxford in 1884 and he carried forward and extended some of the theoretically more important strands in Morgan 's work .
17 Well , maybe that 's how Dean Martin remembers it all , but Sinatra 's marriage to Ava Gardner had finished in 1952 and he did n't marry Mia Farrow until 1966 .
18 She died in 1909 and he married in 1910 Lorina Elizabeth , widow of A. Shield , a member of the Stock Exchange .
19 The Lotus , now quite a rare model , came into Gordon 's possession in 1981 and he spent thousands of hours restoring it to mint condition , despite it having done an estimated 200,000 miles .
20 12.37 am , Plymouth Devonport : David Owen held the seat for Labour until defecting to the SDP in 1981 and he held on in 1983 and 1987 .
21 Such were the treasures to be seen when Philip Miller arrived at Oud-Poelgeest in 1727 and he reported on many rare shrubs and gathered seeds from curious plants .
22 Thomas and Znaniecki 's study was very carefully reviewed by Blumer in 1949 and he came out with a number of general criticisms of the research in which the authors used letters , a wide variety of documents and Wladek 's autobiography as data to illustrate their theoretical propositions .
23 Unfortunately , Maginn 's father died in 1887 and he felt obliged to return home without finishing his course .
24 Anyway , we arrived back here just before five and he asked me to keep an appointment he had made with Harry Collins at The Bay View .
25 After leaving school he became a mathematical lecturer at Oxford in 1855 and he continued with this job until 1881 .
26 The Ethics of Corporal Punishment appeared in 1907 and he returned to this theme in 1916 in The Flogging Craze , a Statement of the Case against Corporal Punishment .
27 ‘ Hitler said that in 1939 and he had his way .
28 His international break-through came against France at Wigan in 1989 and he scored his first Test try in the return at Avig-non .
29 My boss used to go where the mower had gone , but the fairways were narrow in 1965 and he found trouble when he missed them .
30 The Ostrogothic era ; Ravenna was taken by Theodoric in 493 and he ruled for over 30 years .
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