Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [noun] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 The descant accompanying it for fifty years had been one of complaint .
2 To many members of the Church of England , which for fifty years had been strongly influenced by Calvinism , Laud seemed to be introducing innovations , the most offensive of which was the doctrine that bishops derived their authority from God .
3 An offer last August of 3% for 12 months had been followed by a lengthy period when voluntary severance had been negotiated with the Bank .
4 In that year comparisons of Eliot with Pound were stimulated , and exacerbated , by the publication of what were called the ‘ drafts and transcripts ’ of The Waste Land ; that is to say , the heterogeneous packet of typescripts and manuscripts which Eliot had dumped on Pound in Paris , out of which Pound had helped Eliot to extricate the poem that for forty years had been known under that title .
5 It is difficult to resist the conclusion that after 1208 Innocent had been outmanoeuvred by certain forces beyond his control .
6 More likely , the episode was considered an opportunity to rid the island of Cuban influence and a chance to demonstrate US firepower just after 241 troops had been killed in Lebanon .
7 I began to enumerate , but after three operations had been mentioned the doctor said , ‘ Oh yes , yes , yes ! ’ and wrote quickly on his pad .
8 They formed the great bulk of the riotous crowd in 1749 who , after three sailors had been robbed in a brothel , rioted and burned down bawdy houses in the Strand in a three-day riot , although the only unfortunate Tyburn example made on this occasion was the improbably named Bosavern Penlez , a wig maker .
9 It was made clear in a further policy statement that in those cases where the tariff was 20 years or more the reference to the local review committee would be made after 17 years had been served , though a warning was given that this did not imply that any particular period had been set for the prisoner 's tariff .
10 In the description phase subjects viewed each film split into five second sections , after five seconds had been viewed the experimenter paused the video recording showing the subject a blank blue field , the subject then had unlimited time to describe the situation they had viewed and the events that had taken place .
11 The court adjourned the case on Oct. 19 , 1990 , on the grounds that the charge of complicity in genocide could not be substantiated , after 40 witnesses had been examined who all stressed that Vlad 's position of formal approval of Ceausescu 's orders had been prompted by fear .
12 When it ended we moved out on to the palace balcony to watch a display of fireworks , the first to be given in the country ; but after two rockets had been fired something went wrong and the rest blew up .
13 After two harpoons had been stuck into him — one marked ‘ philanderer ’ , one marked ‘ draft-dodger ’ — he swam bleeding through the Democratic primaries of February and March .
14 He had offered to resign after singing on a TV chat show just after seven men had been killed by the IRA .
15 Throughout much of 1948 Minton had been working up oils based on his drawings and watercolours of Corsica for an exhibition at the Lefevre , initially promised him at the end of that year but not mounted until February 1949 .
16 According to India Today of Dec. 31 a total of 3,560 people had been killed in Punjab between Jan. 1 and Dec. 11 , 1990 .
17 Documentary proof of 147 deaths had been found so far .
18 Justice Minister Prince Bola Ajibola confirmed that by Feb. 12 a total of 5,200 prisoners had been released under the amnesty .
19 In this study only 4 out of a total of 174 memories reported were actually related to public events .
20 By Nov. 8 a total of 12 Iranians had been detained while crossing the Israeli-Egyptian border in the western Negev desert .
21 A total of 4,300,000 Angolans had been registered to vote by the July 31 deadline , but in the expectation of the registration of a further 1,000,000 voters , the UN team extended the deadline by another 10 days .
22 It was reported on Aug. 3 that Erk 's funds of 192,000 roubles had been sequestrated by the Uzbek tax inspectorate .
23 Built in many variants , a total of 16,769 Yak–9s had been produced when production ceased in late August 1945 and a typical example is preserved in the Museum .
24 The original Thai timetable of 10 years had been extended to 15 in response to the cautious reaction of Indonesia and the Philippines .
25 A Radio France Internationale report on Dec. 31 said that a total of 26 plotters had been executed by firing squad .
26 By now a total of 26 reservoirs had been sealed off throughout the country mainly owing to blooms of blue-green algae .
27 Once the initial problems encountered during the first run of six aircraft had been overcome , it was assured the time limit could be met .
28 The release of prisoners of war by Iraq was officially described as completed when a total of 45 prisoners-of-war had been handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross ( 10 on March 4 , comprising six US personnel , three British and one Italian , and 35 on March 5 , comprising 15 US , nine British , nine Saudis , an Italian and a Kuwaiti , who were flown from Baghdad to Riyadh on March 6 ) .
29 A total of 298 votes had been cast .
30 In another study of 135 gluten sensitive patients , seven rectal biopsy specimens from a total of 21 biopsies performed were , on subsequent review , considered to be abnormal — two were compatible with ‘ colitis ’ , four with microscopic lymphocytic colitis , and the seventh a mixed picture .
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