Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [Wh pn] might [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In practice the best reason for asking advice is to enlist the interest of those who might eventually be responsible for implementing the decision .
2 His Solidarity scheme , based on help for those who help themselves , has provided schools and sewers for those who might otherwise have waited years for benefits to trickle down .
3 Occasionally the public relations executive of an organisation is also that organisation 's spokesman but , except for promotional and marketing campaigns where the PRO is indeed the expert in the area , the provision of an obvious intermediary can lead to the viewer seeing him as a buffer for those who might more usefully have appeared .
4 Now I do have input into what I think will sell in Europe and in Asia and my background in private and investment banking has contributed to our expansion in these directions ; I come into contact with different people from those who might normally come into Colnaghi 's , giving rise to possible purchasing opportunities .
5 But the violent character of the BUF and its unashamed adoption of foreign symbols made it unattractive to many who might otherwise have agreed with some of its policies , and made it doubly obnoxious to the Left .
6 To these things , we might also add the inappropriateness of , and deterioration of standards in , school buildings — the inconvenience of stairs and galleries for those wishing to use overhead projectors and other cumbersome audio-visual aids ; the unsuitability of compartmentalized classrooms for team-teaching , resource-based learning etc. ; and the general discouragement that dilapidated walls and leaking roofs present to those who might otherwise take pride in improving the display and all-round aesthetic environment of their classrooms .
7 The insurance will be of special interest to those who might otherwise be unable to get insurance because their cruising ground , manning , or the boat itself might prevent it .
8 The absence of such a scheme was said to be a disincentive to those who might otherwise be encouraged to exercise their inventive talents to the full .
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