Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [Wh pn] would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The introduction of antibiotics saved the lives of many who would previously have died , but their use has produced new and complex problems .
2 There is no good reason why that traditional understanding should now be abandoned , however inconvenient it may be to some of those who would otherwise like to shelter under the umbrella of the term " democracy " .
3 The so-called Helsinki warning , also dismissed as unreliable ( and apparently for better reason ) , had at least saved the lives of those who would otherwise have occupied the vacant seats on Flight 103 .
4 On the Government 's own figures , over 30% of those who would otherwise have received legal aid next year would lose it as a result of the proposed changes .
5 Age-specific rates are often calculated as averages over three years , partly to reduce instability of the statistics in older , almost empty , age classes , and partly to obviate problems due to especially bad weather at the end of a year causing early demise of those who would otherwise die the following year .
6 There are " transitional protection " arrangements for those who would otherwise be net losers .
7 The object of the green form scheme is to make readily available a cheap and effective source of legal advice for those who would otherwise be unable to afford it .
8 For those who would rather keep both feet firmly planted on dry land , a National Trust self-catering holiday cottage might be the answer .
9 For those who would rather stay at home
10 The nature of the conflict obliged the city fathers to extend the membership of the ‘ nation ’ far beyond those who would customarily have been considered .
11 To those who would thoughtlessly dismiss this notion as ‘ silly ’ , Regan cautions that ‘ silly sounding ideas sometimes turn out to be true .
12 But the British could avoid turning such disputes into personal grievances with a generosity not available to those who would ultimately be their victims .
13 Their output has been prodigious — and most of it has been perfectly intelligible , even to those who would rather it were not .
14 Among those who would either pay no extra tax under Labour , or very little extra , are many people with more disposable income than the ‘ well-off ’ targeted by Smith .
15 The ownership which the sellers were thus given in the handbags was not , however , reserved to the sellers but was granted to them by those who would otherwise have been the owners , namely the buyers of the leather .
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