Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun sg] [conj] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The discussion illuminates the way in which concepts such as public , private , and rationality have different and asymmetrical effects for each sex as applied to the home and its physical container the house .
2 " That they secure every person in whose family or possession Stolen goods are found , & Commit them to Killarow Prison , & secure all their Effects , and that they Call for Assistants , & such as refuse to report the same , who are to be fyned in Ten pund for each refusal & Deemed Dishonest . "
3 " That they secure every person in whose family or possession Stolen goods are found , & Commit them to Killarow Prison , & secure all their Effects , and that they Call for Assistants , & such as refuse to report the same , who are to be fyned in Ten pund for each refusal & Deemed Dishonest . "
4 The difference in the degree of lateralisation for each task when performed without and with shadowing was compared in order to see if there was a reduction in right field advantage for trigrams while dot location remained unaffected .
5 Samples have to be knitted for each lesson and submitted for marking .
6 The authority conferred by the resolution may be general for that purpose or limited to the purchase of shares of any particular class or description , and may be unconditional or subject to conditions ( s166(2) ) .
7 What the outside world sees as a minister promoting a particular project is probably the end of a long process in which different groups of civil servants within the department have argued about the case for that venture as opposed to other ventures .
8 Oddly enough , at the end of the 205 hours the subjects claimed that they could go on longer , that after the fifth day things had got easier , and indeed offered to stay awake for another day if paid at the ninth day 's rate .
9 In 687 and again in 688 Adomnán , abbot of Iona , visited Aldfrith and secured the release of those whom the Northumbrians had seized during this expedition and kept in captivity ( AU s.a. 686 : AT pp. 210 , 211 : CA p. 134 ) .
10 In a letter for publication , Williamson had drawn attention to the fact that he drove a Jaguar and was for some time after known to the Gadfly column as ‘ Jaguar Man . ’
11 Vera Loomis , the ninety-two-year-old who lived at number 92 and was known for some reason as Got All the Things There Then ? had offered plum wine or home-brewed lager and Susan Doyle , who was reported to watch News at Ten while her husband pleasured her , had suggested lemonade shandy .
12 I undertand that the British Transport Police yesterday found the receipt and now confirm that the ink is black — the receipt had a reference number written on it , 092 , the one issued to Mr. Brand for this journey and known only by InterCity staff .
13 The above experiment was extended to determine the sequence of both subunits essential for this interaction as described in the Materials and Methods .
14 The maximum penalty for this offence when perpetrated against a woman was formerly two years ' imprisonment , rising to five where she was under 13.6 In 1985 , it was raised to ten years ' imprisonment regardless of the victim 's age .
15 As is traditional , the trophies which were won throughout the year had been saved for this occasion and presented to their recipients after dinner .
16 ( The corresponding figure for this fault as ascribed to men was 1 per cent — the tendency does exist in some . )
17 In either case , the resulting listings will not be prepared immediately , but can be requested after examining the two further pages which are displayed for this option and provided that no errors have been detected by LIFESPAN .
18 Even the use of a borrowed car for the transporting of uncustomed watches is a conversion of the car , for such conduct if discovered leads to the forfeiture of the car under the Customs and Excise Act 1952 and its consequent loss to the owner .
19 The various parts of its body strained towards each other and collected into a hairy spherical fragment balanced on three pipe-cleaner legs at the head of the table .
20 For the chequered parcel , thinly roll out a little icing of each colour and cut into 1cm/½in squares .
21 Therefore , the costs of each program as mentioned in the reviews is not entirely accurate as users may be able to add a few more files to the disk to fill it up .
22 Mr. Corfe is unimpressed with a League plan to impose a levy on transfers and performance money , which would be held individually on behalf of each club and used for items like ground improvements .
23 The type of engagement letter issued must be by reference to the KPMG classification of each client as set out above .
24 The lack of legal status of the unborn child poses a peculiar problem in the context of the law of negligence , but the resolution of that problem achieved by Potts J. is entirely consonant with the general principles of that law as developed by the highest English and Scottish authority , as Potts J. observed [ 1991 ] 1 Q.B .
25 But there is a large difference between the cost of the benefit to the employer and the value of that benefit as assessed .
26 Erm but I I would have thought that it would have been necessary to examine that sector against all the others before reaching any conclusion as to whether or not i it could be more successfully assimilated into the landscape of that sector as opposed to anywhere else .
27 He [ Chang ] said that the fact Korea found itself on the other side of that line as defined in Acheson 's address , combined with the House action yesterday , appeared to raise the serious question as to whether the United States might now be considered as having abandoned Korea .
28 As a useless item , the name was extended to city dwellers who were of little use when unleashed in the countryside .
29 From a therapeutic aspect , penicillin was marvellous because it cured many dangerous bacterial infections , but it was tiresome because it was inactive by mouth ( it was destroyed by the acidity of the stomach contents ) , it acted for a very short time ( it was rapidly excreted by the kidneys ) and so was of little value unless given by injection at intervals of not longer than 3 hours , and because , after a time , the normal processes of evolution led to the appearance of resistant strains of the microbes which had previously been sensitive to penicillin .
30 This may be under a piece of tree bark , along a ledge of some kind or hidden on the ground among the undergrowth .
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