Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] that it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I wholly agree with the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook that it would be inappropriate to oppose the Bill on Second Reading , but , like the right hon. Gentleman , I intend to look closely at what happens to it during its passage through the House .
2 The mental element with respect to unlawfulness remains to be determined , but it may be assumed after Morgan that it would be intention or recklessness .
3 It is part of the fascination of LTP that it can be studied experimentally at many levels , from the molecular to the behavioural ; at the same time , knowledge about properties of LTP feeds directly into theoretical investigations of information storage in distributed neural networks .
4 The British Government had proposed to the Council of Europe that it should examine a range of questions including that of service of process abroad , which the United Kingdom had hitherto included in its bilateral civil procedure conventions .
5 The International Water Tribunal ( IWT ) has told the Canadian province of Quebec that it should not proceed with its controversial James Bay hydroelectric project [ see ED no. 47 ] until a full environmental impact assessment has been carried out .
6 Andy is really happy with the way the sport has developed , agreeing with Frank that it must not become stylized .
7 Much though my hon. Friend may dream about the days of beer and sandwiches , I should have thought that the Opposition were so besotted with Europe that it would have to be cafe and croissants , if that change ever came about .
8 We played badminton and sang folk songs , but we knew as we wept and prayed with refugees from Czechoslovakia that it would not be long before we were asked to make even the supreme sacrifice to stop , if we could , the Nazi menace .
9 The independence referendum had provoked warnings from Gorbachev that it would lead to a breakup of the Union and hence disaster .
10 The ANC said in a statement after a stormy two-day leadership meeting in Johannesburg that it would accept multi-party government for a maximum of five years from the first one-person , one-vote election .
11 Friends of the Earth ( FoE ) has launched a new campaign against pollution by warning the directors of 14 industrial companies in Yorkshire that it will seek to prosecute them personally unless they take action to prevent their companies breaching water pollution laws .
12 Despite assurances from GM that it would maintain the British content of Land Rover vehicles at existing levels , considerable unease was felt by many politicians .
13 Jordan was still receiving 40 per cent of its oil supplies from Iraq , but the government affirmed in October that it would not increase this amount .
14 The move , linked to the United States announcement in October that it would withdraw all tactical nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula , followed fruitless efforts to persuade North Korea as a signatory to comply with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty under the International Atomic Energy Agency and accept international inspection of its nuclear facilities , and to halt its suspected nuclear weapons development programme including the construction of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant [ see p. 38396 ] .
15 Israel had announced in October that it would attend the Ottawa talks , thereby ending its boycott of the multilateral refugee negotiations [ see p. 39167 for Israeli participation in multilateral regional economic co-operation talks in Paris in late October ] .
16 The Swedish government announced in mid-January that it would delay a promised phase-out of nuclear power until alternative energy sources became viable .
17 The Libyan plane was about eight nautical miles from Italian air space when it was told by air traffic controllers in Malta that it could not fly over Italian territory , an Italian air force spokesman said .
18 The Isle of Wight TEC says that it notified the Department of Employment in August that it might be unable to meet the YT guarantee within the funds allocated for the purpose .
19 Well before the end of July , however , Blum was facing a cabinet divided on the issue , vociferous opposition from the French right , and clear signals from the Baldwin government in Britain that it would not welcome French support for the Republic .
20 News from Whitbread that it will make extra provisions of £37m , alongside another £10m considered ‘ normal ’ , to cover bad debts on free-trade loans in the hard-hit south of England knocked 19½p off the already weakened shares to 358½p .
21 Meanwhile , WABI is making its debut to suggestions from Microsoft that it might sue for violating its intellectual property rights ( UX No 431 ) .
22 Meanwhile , WABI is making its debut to suggestions from Microsoft that it might sue for violating its intellectual property rights .
23 Mr Gray said he first took up his complaint about missing mail in December 1990 and was told by the post office in Darlington that it would be given urgent attention .
24 Briefly it occurred to Kelly that it would be sensible to lie .
25 Tuzla , 50 miles north of the Bosnian capital , declared on Saturday that it would join Sarajevo 's fast for those in eastern Bosnia .
26 The city council , backed by the government , announced on Friday that it would stop distributing the food aid that has kept Sarajevans alive during a ten-month siege until convoys reached eastern Bosnia .
27 AT&T Co 's plans to buy a big stake in McCaw Cellular Communications Inc still worry Standard & Poor 's Corp despite the company 's news on Tuesday that it would restructure its debt to cut its interest bill ( CI No 2,134 ) : it says it may still cut AT&T 's ratings , because although it will benefit from the move , uncertainties over the planned investment in McCaw will dominate the credit outlook until terms of the transaction and its structure are known .
28 But he 'd plainly told her on Tuesday that it would take a week or more to get the necessary replacement part , so what was the point in ringing him ?
29 I put it to Andy that it must have been a blow when they split in 1988 , but he , ever the voice of reason , says , ‘ There was no point in trying to keep them together , it had gone as far as they wanted it to go and they wanted to do something different .
30 Shame to England that it should be thus ! ’
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