Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] that she [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Artemis 's father was away for a week 's sport in Leicestershire , and apparently it was expected of Artemis that she should be ready and able to go out and ride her new horse side-saddle alongside her father on his return .
2 I accept from Mr that she would have been a trainee manager for some part of that time and I assess her salary as being something like seven thousand pounds net .
3 There was no female suffrage in Paris that she could observe .
4 Monique Javer , Britain 's No. 2 ranked woman player , is so excited at the prospect of playing as a team member for Great Britain and of participating in Barcelona that she can talk of little else .
5 She wished desperately that Ellen were in London that she might send Lizzie to judge how Oreste fared and what he understood , but as it was she had no means of knowing .
6 Paula stood up , whispered to Newman that she would be back and followed Archer .
7 While he was in the stable saddling up his horse , he did not realise that his mother-in-law was only now breaking the news to Sarah that she would be remaining in Leeds .
8 Diana admitted to Penny that she could n't bear the pressure of her position any longer and that she had to leave the system .
9 Modigliani declined as politely but suggested to Lunia that she should come to his studio and pose for him the following day .
10 He suggested once to Blanche that she could perhaps feel such chill draughts blowing from the past when others could not .
11 Some patients got others to write for them when they were low , but there was nothing Lily wanted to say to Vincent that she could ask anyone to write .
12 Sometimes , when she looked at her like that , it seemed to Emmie that she could easily forget what Gran was like when she was well — how she had looked , sitting in the kitchen all last winter , rocking in her old chair and telling them stories and teaching Oliver games to play with her darning eggs .
13 ‘ I mean to tell Her Grace what I know and pray to God that she will discover a means of remedying the situation , ’ Brackenbury said obscurely — but then he paused , hesitated and , seeming to make up his mind , spoke boldly .
14 Earlier he had tried to hint to McAllister that she ought , perhaps , to inform her family , but she had been deliberately obtuse .
15 Putting one 's self in Stalin 's shoes , the present period of indecision must appear to be an opportune moment for him to step into the arena to suggest to Japan that she should make peace with the Kremlin and with Peking .
16 It seemed insanely silly to Lydia that she should be standing in her own kitchen flanked by two women for whom she had no time .
17 The idea was not new ; it had been first put into operation in the preceding reign of Louis-Philippe , but during that period it was made clear to France that she must play second fiddle in the European concert otherwise Britain would turn her out of the orchestra .
18 The dealers hinted to Sandra that she might do a massive deal with Sir Willie .
19 It seemed to Susan that she must be terribly drunk or terribly tired .
20 ‘ It 's only , when I suggested to Rosie that she might like to see you … . ’
21 When it eventually dawned on Liza that she must be pregnant , she began to panic .
22 The hypnosis session over , I suggested to Joyce that she should run through exactly the same set of images at least once every day for the next two weeks .
23 But it was not to Rachel that she would go , but to her mummy .
24 If there were games to be played or work to be done or stories to be read it was always to Rachel that she would turn ; Rachel who went out and came in when she said she would and said ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ , not from whim or temper , but with authority .
25 Aside from the fact that she regarded Travis as a friend too , there was her unspoken promise to Rosemary that she would look after him to consider .
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