Example sentences of "[prep] [coord] [verb] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is an offence under Section 47(2) to do any act or engage in any course of conduct which creates a false or misleading impression as to the market price or value of any investments if the purpose is to create that impression and thereby induce another person to acquire , dispose of , subscribe for or underwrite those investments or to refrain from doing so or to exercise or refrain from exercising any rights conferred by those investments .
2 This investment overview does not constitute an offer or invitation to persons to subscribe for or purchase any shares or other securities in any company or for persons to enter or offer into an investment agreement or to exercise any rights conferred by a investment to acquire , dispose of , underwrite or convert an investment .
3 This company does not constitute an offer or invitation to persons to subscribe for or purchase any shares or other securities in any company or for persons to enter or offer to enter into an investment agreement or to exercise any rights conferred by an investment to acquire , dispose of , underwrite or convert an investment .
4 ‘ The report in which this notice to reader is incorporated does not constitute an offer or invitation to any section of the public to subscribe for or purchase any securities in Growing Business Limited .
5 It would be diagnosed if the person complains of or shows such things as : poor appetite and weight loss ; disturbed sleep pattern ; loss of energy and an inability to experience pleasure ; feelings of guilt and self-reproach ; difficulty in concentrating ; suicidal thoughts ; and behaviour that is very greatly slowed down or , alternatively , agitated and restless .
6 Under s178 , which applies to accounting periods ending on or before 30 September 1993 , when Target leaves the vendor 's capital gains tax group it will be treated as having disposed of and reacquired any assets it has acquired intra-group within the six-year period preceding the date it leaves the group .
7 Accordingly , for him , the real essence of gold , which accounts for and explains those properties of gold with which we are familiar , and which constitute our idea or nominal essence of it , is its corpuscular or atomic constitution .
8 It is the firm 's requirement that anyone involved in corporate finance work ( including MAS work ) should be thoroughly familiar with and apply these standards .
9 We must learn to see our anxiety symptoms as signals that we are under stress and learn to cope with and control these signals through our efforts and not simply mask or try to ignore them with tranquillizers .
10 Judges might find it easier to sympathise with and understand such law-breakers in comparison to other types of criminal .
11 These are first-person descriptions of social events , written by an individual who was involved in or witnessed those happenings .
12 The Select Committee that examined the Bill took a very close interest in and sought several undertakings about groundwater .
13 For centuries , from Captain Cook and Conrad to Gauguin and Robert Louis Stevenson , westerners have fed upon and nurtured these myths .
14 The Trust deed precludes the trustees from investing any part of the trust assets in securities of the Company or in lending to or guaranteeing any loans made to the Company .
15 Hence questions about what social processes gave rise to or maintained such differences were never asked .
16 mm , is there any body here who 's had cosmetic plastic surgery , who , who 'd wants to or has any views on it , up there , yes .
17 In order to establish the appropriate conditioned responses ( or expectancies ) during the first stage of training , the subjects would have to attend to and discriminate those features that distinguish A from C and those that distinguish B from C. Any plausible mechanism capable of allowing a subject to do this would also endow the subject with an enhanced ability to discriminate between A and B because it would involve the animal in coming to respond to the distinctive features of each of the three stimuli .
18 I mean we can always go back to places like the linguistics department or or any department on on campus , We can always go back to and get more recordings later .
19 Women 's power lies in conforming to and consolidating these statuses .
20 You need people who are sensitive to and understand these differences .
21 Now go on , get one of your most glittery frocks on and give those kids the performance of your life .
22 The note sets out how the figure has been arrived at and stresses any assumptions that are being made .
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