Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] that [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 The third edition of 1740 contained a statement by nine residents of Petersfield that she was indeed the author .
2 I am told by an ex-employee of ICI that there was a curious example of the effects of it some time back .
3 It was noted of Henry I of Germany that he was merry in his cups , but never to the detriment of royal dignity ; and of William I of England that he was so abstemious that he never took more than three cups of wine after dinner .
4 However they may express his uniqueness , they must say of Jesus of Nazareth that there was a revelation of God through him in a way in which this is not true of you or me .
5 It was noted of Henry I of Germany that he was merry in his cups , but never to the detriment of royal dignity ; and of William I of England that he was so abstemious that he never took more than three cups of wine after dinner .
6 It was only at the beginning of July that she was again taken ill .
7 Harriet gave him her portrait , which hung over the chimney-piece at Croisset ; but it was of Gertrude that he was fonder .
8 Concerning costs , it has been reported in the financial press that FIMBRA merely had to take the word of Dunsdale that it was investing in gilts , as the SRO had too few staff to adequately deal with each individual firm .
9 This condition should not pose too much of a problem , since the minister responsible , Luigi Covatta , stated publicly on a visit to Venice at the end of January that he was willing to return the materials still stored in Rome .
10 Subsequently , the Speaker ruled in the House of Commons that it was offensive , even in relation to these extrajudicial activities , to refer to Lord Diplock as ‘ a Tory judge ’ .
11 Prime Minister Harold Wilson appeared to give some credence to this view in 1966 when he said in the House of Commons that it was the duty of the government to consult with the Trades Union Congress and the Confederation of British Industry .
12 Mr Clarke told the House of Commons that he was doing it with the great reluctance .
13 Mr Clarke told the House of Commons that he was doing it with great reluctance .
14 But it was during the next year that observers noticed that King Charles himself had become so fond of Berkeley that he was now one of the principal royal favourites , and perhaps the greatest .
15 The problem however is that were it simply to be said of Jesus that he was a human like any other who lived in history we should not have a Christology .
16 No Christology can be so low that it overcomes the feminist difficulty by saying of Jesus that he was no different from every other human who has lived .
17 Many years later , it would be said of Australia that it was not a sea-going nation but a surf-going one .
18 They did not therefore want to suggest of Christ that he was another God , which would create a polytheistic situation .
19 Now my Lord as is er then made clear in a statement of claim paragraph three fifteen erm between the twenty third of October and about the twenty second of November the plaintiff then acting upon the advice of Peter that it was not possible to withdraw on this contract , did endeavour to complete upon the deal as soon as possible , very much with the timing in his mind and eventually after some toing and froing which er will be demonstrated in the course of the evidence , agreement was reached with the landlord for his consent to the assignment to be given er on condition that there was payment of some advance rent by the plaintiff .
20 In 1100 , Geoffrey of Vendôme assured William IX of Aquitaine that he was trying to answer the summons to the ducal court , but that every time his messenger reached the appointed place , he found William had moved on .
21 History , if it is fair , will probably say of Carter that he was able to get some things done but that he was n't able to lead , that he was n't able to get the confidence of the people . ’
22 At Streatham and Liverpool in November he made his mark , observed by the Fascist apologist A. K. Chesterton ( cousin of G. K. Chesterton ) who recorded in his own life of Mosley that it was William Joyce who was the ‘ brilliant writer , speaker , and exponent of policy … addressed hundreds of meetings , always at his best , always revealing the iron spirit of Fascism in his refusal to be intimidated by violent opposition . ’
23 It was said of Vaughan that he was ‘ esteemed by scholars , an ingenious person , but proud and humorous ’ .
24 Let me make it absolutely clear I 'm not suggesting er on behalf of Julie that there was any wickedness in your mind or anything .
25 It was not until Lady Diana Spencer was formally engaged to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales that she was given permission to call him ‘ Charles ’ .
26 The consummate silliness of Beerbohm 's sneer , quite apart from showing just how brittle and thin was that famous ‘ wit ’ of his , has alas a representative significance also , as we see when we put beside it Maurice Bowra , another famous ‘ wit ’ , saying of Pound that he was , not just a bore , but an American bore' .
27 Mr Morton , speaking after the launch in America of an updated version of his book , said : ‘ A campaign began to build up against Diana that she was mad and mentally unstable , that she was somehow bending reality , did n't tell the truth and that she was in some way responsible for this book . ’
28 So much milk came into Waterloo that it was renowned for smelling of sour milk all day .
29 Bunny agreed with Meredith that there was nothing wrong with Dawn Allenby apart from her love of beauty , an affliction she was ill-equipped to fight .
30 Although she had never said so , his instinct had told him immediately he 'd seen her with Harry that she was in love with the young man — a devastatingly handsome young man — whose manner towards Alice had been affectionate but certainly not lover-like .
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