Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] be [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The figures for Newham are dated 14 November , so I hope that we do not hear Ministers say that they are not up to date .
2 Dostoevsky wrote for Stankevich 's published critical study of Granovsky — ‘ material absolutely indispensable for my work ’ , a life-and-death necessity ‘ like air ’ .
3 DB2/6000 is accompanied by Distributed Database Connection Services , which provides support for IBM 's Distributed Relational Database Architecture , and the two enable the RS/6000 to participate in a distributed schema with DB2 on IBM mainframes , the OS/400 database , and DB/2 .
4 DB2/6000 is accompanied by Distributed Database Connection Services , which provides support for IBM 's Distributed Relational Database Architecture , and the two enable the RS/6000 to participate in a distributed schema with DB2 on IBM mainframes , the OS/400 database , and DB/2 .
5 Nowadays 100 million cups of Ovaltine are drunk each year .
6 So , after licking another 485 stamps , she came up with a manifest of eight people , one Sloth , Gan Moondork ( one of Nintendo 's escaped bionic mutations ) and Gan 's woman ( the Rubber Dummy ) .
7 When in 1830 the Duchess of Northumberland was appointed official governess , Lehzen stayed as lady in attendance and Victoria 's constant attendant , without an official appointment , until 1842 , acting latterly as her secretary in private matters .
8 Secondly , the decision to screen 16 Hong Kong meetings between now and the end of March was taken last year before firm plans about all-weather racing had been drawn up .
9 We had absolutely no budget for such a venture ( already undertaken by the Italian and United States Governments ) until Lord Carrington of Christie 's suggested this collaboration ’ .
10 Net reserves in this area account for 27 per cent of LASMO 's reported commercial UK reserves .
11 One of the difficulties in designing this type of interface has been pointed out by Caruso , in that the design of IIDA was finalized prior to DIALOG 's introduction of SS — Select Steps command — so these are not included in IIDA .
12 The Island of Taiwan is situated several hundred miles off the Chinese mainland , west of Hong Kong ; Japan lies a few hours ’ plane ride north-west while the Philippines rest a similar distance southwards .
13 Successive kings had no reason to grumble , cathedral chapters were happy to elect , and the Church of England was given good leaders — William Temple of York and George Bell of Chichester among them .
14 A MAN being questioned by police investigating a series of attacks on horses across the south of England was released last night after being eliminated from inquiries .
15 Sir William Herbert of Swansea was fined 1,000 marks in Star Chamber for disorderly riots in Cardiff ; Edward , Lord Stafford , refused to allow the sheriff of Shropshire to execute judgement against him in a dispute over Cawes Castle ; Sir Thomas Throckmorton of Tortworth , Gloucestershire , was fined 2,000 marks and removed from his offices for accepting bribes and maintaining quarrels .
16 On Thursday night more than 30 paramilitary thugs and soldiers ransacked the opposition coalition headquarters , where Guillermo Endara , the winner of May 's annulled presidential election , was in the 16th day of a hunger strike .
17 Item twenty four meeting held on the eleventh of January are received those in favour please say aye .
18 Will Tendulkar 's arrival mean the end of Yorkshire 's perceived racial policy — no Yorkshire Asians have played for the county ?
19 Each dose level of HCL was given four rats from each dietary group .
20 When the new state of Israel was declared this act would be considered an unforgivable sin .
21 The only ingredients used in the brewing of Guinness are malted Irish barley for its special sugars , roast barley for the ruby tint , hops for that familiar bitter flavour , yeast to ensure the creamy head , and just a soupçon of genius to guarantee the Guinness .
22 Anglo-Welsh now holds 4. 1m ordinary shares in Palatine , representing 22.5 per cent of Palatine 's issued ordinary share capital .
23 Either it might see what could be done within the area which Kant had left to it ; or it might ask whether there might not after all be rather more to be said about the way in which genuine knowledge of God is made possible .
24 Women are dominated completely by men , who by the grace of God are deemed superior ; therefore , women will give testimony according to what the last man told them ;
25 In summary , then , the Tobacco Institute of Australia was found guilty of publishing a misleading and deceptive advertisement .
26 However , since it is more than a mere sign , it partakes of the reality it signifies and is a means of grace through which the atoning work of Christ is made effective in the life of the Christian .
27 A second letter in the Library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania is dated 30 May 1759 , and in this Miller seemed irritated that plants had arrived unnamed and seeds mixed .
28 The maximal urinary excretion of PABA was found three or four hours after PABA instillation .
29 In a two-part feature , the life and times of this son of Manchester are given new depth , using many family sources .
30 " The Mayor of Aberdare was assassinated this morning as he stepped from a train at Swansea station .
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