Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] ['s] [noun] give " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aw for gawd 's sake give that bloody tongue of yours a rest will yer ? ’
2 For Pete 's sake give me a lift .
3 The Labour Party finally conceded defeat on April 25 after Moda'i confirmed on television that he would definitely support Likud , despite Peres 's offer to give him the deputy premiership and the finance portfolio .
4 Water-based paints dry quickly , and can get ‘ caught ’ in the rough edges of natural bristle , but glide off the smooth sides of Waterbase 's filaments to give a faster and better quality finish .
5 One of Sue 's uncles gave Marion a lift home .
6 One Friday morning the sergeant in charge of Eva 's brigade gave her the task of cleaning the brass window winders and door handles in the assembly hall .
7 The latest edition of Boutell 's Heraldry gives a fine series of examples of feudal differencing of arms as assumed by the family of Luterell and their associated and dependent folk .
8 At the relevant time rule 7.3(1) of Lautro 's Rules gave a member on whom an intervention notice was served the right to apply ( immediately ) for the board to rescind the notice , and rule 7.3(11) gave a right to the member to appeal against the notice and against any decision not to rescind it .
9 However , Walker found that if the BFP algorithm was altered to reflect the first three levels of SPAR 's ordering given above , correct results were obtained by eight of the 21 pronouns resolved correctly by Hobbs but incorrectly by the original BFP .
10 The trial of Bradlaugh and Annie Besant in 1876 for republishing one of Knowlton 's pamphlets gave the birth-control movement wide publicity and created the demand for more information , and led to the setting up of the first organisation to campaign on birth control , the Malthusian League .
11 The bicentenary of Mozart 's birth gave rise to the instigation of a new complete edition — the ‘ Neue Mozart Ausgabe ’ — which continues today .
12 News of McCartney 's intention to give the woodland , known as Sir John 's Allotment , to the anti hunt protesters was strategically released just days before the opening meet of the Devon and Somerset Stag Hounds .
13 A computer analysis of Gallup 's figures gives the Tories 314 seats ( 12 short of an overall majority ) , Labour 297 , the Liberal Democrats 16 and others 24 .
14 Arms flick to and fro as the Winter Fairy and the Stars of Ashton 's Cinderella give the illusion of twinkling lights in the frosty air .
15 Our picture , courtesy of the Evening Sentinel , shows trainee paintress Amanda Moore of Mason 's Ironstone giving demonstrations to visitors to the Wedgwood stand .
16 The description of Tristan 's education given by the great medieval German poet Gottfried of Strasbourg bears witness to the fact that this change in the pattern of a child 's life could be intensely felt and vividly remembered .
17 Dr. Lane of Bishop 's Castle gave his opinion at the inquest that he died ‘ from an attack of cerebral apoplexy ’ .
18 Once Mandru had even been frank enough to remark to one of the vibrancers that the sound of Nehushtah 's voice gave him a headache .
19 Knowledge of Macbeth 's intentions gives us the superior insight to gauge the false appearances that he assumes .
20 When he was bought ( all those years ago ) I assume he came as a Strach replacement ( what with Strach 's back giving gip ) , but with Batts gone too , what sort of role is he playing ?
21 Here is how a patient with Wernicke 's aphasia gave an account of what is going on in Figure 15 ( Funnell , 1983 ) :
22 And it was the filmmakers ' good fortune that their first creative maturity coincided with Rank 's willingness to give full scope to their talents .
23 For God 's sake give me a drink , Kit . ’
24 For God 's sake give it up .
25 What I 've just been saying about the importance of time and movement in Proust 's novel give rise I think to a further question .
26 The model used to allocate traffic between competing services is , however , very sensitive to relative prices , so , one would expect increases in Eurotunnel 's costs to give rise to a lower market share and hence to lower revenues .
27 Its footnote status in relation to Crime and Punishment constitutes , I admit , a funny sort of belonging , as does the obstructive force of Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov upon Dostoevsky 's attempt to give decisively new shape to the Great Sinner of his notebooks and letters and fondest creative hopes .
28 The Spanish dance in The Nutcracker and the Yodelling Song in Ashton 's Façade gave him slightly more chance to make an individual impression , but his only leading part was in Fokine 's Carnaval , where he played Pierrot , not very memorably , sharing the role with Poole , whose interpretation was universally admired .
29 Just as we derive our reality and uniqueness from the life of God the Trinity , so true human intimacy derives its reality and validity from God 's love given to us .
30 Approval of abortion law — Constitutional crisis over King 's refusal to give royal assent
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