Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 do n't worry about Scott 's how do you spell opin oh opinions , right
2 Why is the Minister slavishly following the English example when the Secretary of State for Scotland is not doing so ?
3 The ‘ Speech Court ’ in the Forest of Dean is still scheduled to be held every forty days , but the verderers ' sittings are formal , and their court is usually adjourned until there is sufficient business .
4 The history of US policy towards Panama is inextricably tied to its canal .
5 It would be unfair to the House to spend hours reeling off reams of statistics but , so that the picture of Shrewsbury is fully painted , I must tell the House that in 1983 there were 1,334 long-term unemployed people .
6 Books are at the heart of long-lived auction businesses : Sotheby 's started with books in the eighteenth century , and the first founders of Christie 's also auctioned off famous libraries such as that of Dr Johnson in 1785 .
7 It took all the strength of Perdita 's frantically squeezing legs to stop her ducking out .
8 Depends what you mean by ‘ weather ’ , but yes , the countryside of Sussex is constantly suffering the attack of rain and the rain either has to soak into the ground where very often it erm dissolves material and eventually finds its way to rivers so that all rivers are carrying material from inland in solution out to the sea , or if erm you get very heavy rain , then the water actually runs off the surface of the ground , and as it runs off it will carry particulate material out into the rivers and then out to sea .
9 a mate of mine actually worked out in Russia and he said you know , piece of discussions about when , where the Russian 's sort of appear first and this sort of he said he said erm , this , he said that , that kids running around on the streets of Moscow is actually given a working permit and so he could actual work there and sort of like er
10 Thus , a language teacher who has qualified to teach in the Federal Republic of Germany is already regarded as having ‘ qualified teacher status ’ ( QTS ) here and can apply for teaching posts in UK schools .
11 They are about to turn it off when a horrifying image swims into focus : an execution squad of Daleks is about to leave Skaro in a time-machine .
12 But if Jesus of Nazareth is not thought to be unique , and the Christian story is just a myth , why , one must ask , should one who is a feminist choose to take up this particular myth when it is so male , and has central to it a male person who is held to be unique ?
13 The same might be said of Redon 's frequently alluded to fragility : according to Eisenman he was ever teetering on the brink of depression and death , though this in turn does not explain why the artist lived seventy-five years of life quite satisfactorily .
14 The reputation of Vertus 's richly perfumed still red wines goes back to the fourteenth century ; in the seventeenth century these wines were favoured by William of Orange .
15 The marketability of Freud is also thought to be suffering due to the artist 's recent penchant for painting the backside of performance artist Leigh Bowery , a subject of seemingly little appeal to traditional Freud collectors .
16 Some species have been almost exterminated , e.g. Per.sea theobromifolia ( Lauraceae ) , formerly the ‘ mahogany ’ of Ecuador is now known from only 12 trees .
17 The membership of the pro-Iraqi Provisional Free Government of Kuwait is finally disclosed .
18 Starting in one corner , Helen began to lift garments from pegs and drop them on the floor in a pile — a mack of her father 's , something of Edward 's not worn within living memory , a very ancient corduroy jacket of Dorothy 's , also unused for many a year .
19 Lay members voted by 47 to 29 for women priests , and though the Bishop of Chester is not declaring openly which way he will vote , he has declared which way he favours .
20 Although these models are able to represent more complex situations , to some extent this has been at the cost of reduced elegance and simplicity and only the entity-relationship model of Chen is widely used as a data modelling tool .
21 Whether they converted many outside of the city of Rochester is not known or whether a Saxon church stood in Halling at this time .
22 A retrospective arranged by Roger Billcliffe for the Fine Art Society to coincide with her 85th birthday confirmed her as one of Scotland 's partially hidden treasures .
23 It 's still the general feeling by several of Scotland 's well known bands that the only place to record is London and if they record in Scotland it 's a bit parochial . ’
24 ( The high figure recorded for the Grampian area of Scotland is principally attributed to North Sea oil . )
25 It is surely significant ( both scientifically and economically ) that the great " hard rock " massif of Scotland is now known to be almost entirely surrounded by much later " soft rock " basins .
26 Most of Scotland is still rising but the south-east of England is sinking by 15cm a century .
27 On this issue the debate between T. H. Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce at the British Association meeting of 1860 over the significance of Darwin 's recently published The Origin of Species has entered into our mythology .
28 Calling for stricter local planning laws to protect the countryside as an aesthetic and economic resources , the council 's senior planner Tony Burton said that 15 per cent of England is already covered in towns and cities .
29 In 1696 the Whig cleric , William Stephens , observed that in the " sermons Preached at Visitations , and the constant ordinary Discourses of the Clergy … the Church of England is always represented , as at this time , in greater danger than ever it was " .
30 The Bank of England is directly controlled by the Government , while the Bundesbank claims independence .
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