Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [conj] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm fond of Cora-Beth , very fond , but it is n't the same as I feel for Madeleine and somehow I 'll have to explain that to her .
2 I would have waited and bought one off Gary and then he would n't have been able to go up would he ?
3 He believed there was a future for Swanage and therefore he had striven for a great number of years to improve it — ( laughter ) — but he was very glad that those who came from afar were pleased and satisfied .
4 She would tell him he had mistaken her for Dana and then he would leave .
5 ‘ I moved over from our house in Nimes with Raphael after Eric but now he is going to Manchester we 're staying here to live .
6 Lorimer was the name that sprung to mind as well as a match for Sterland but then I suppose he was n't a defender .
7 That was a great cross by , did absolut did absolutely magnificent , he controlled the ball he turned left footed shot in and hit against the post , very very unfortunate fo for Blackburn but then I suppose Shrewsbury deserve a little bit of luck .
8 So it 's best if they go off January and then they 've got time to send them back have n't they .
9 They have always had this opportunity at the University of Stirling but now they also gain national certification via SCOTVEC .
10 Sorley is certainly remarkable for rejecting the prevailing enthusiasm for war so early on , and for forecasting , through a mixture of irony and pity , the horrors of Flanders before ever he reached the front .
11 The truck took us to where the Imlil-Toubkal road branched off at the market town of Asni and there we swapped to the normal ‘ shared taxis ’ into Marrakech for a merry night at the Hotel Ali — famous for its buffet dinners and the starting point for many adventures .
12 We bear warrants from the Council of Guardians of Scotland and yet you ignore us .
13 The train pulled out of Skipton and soon we were in the Yorkshire Dales .
14 If she backed away into the kitchen then she would never get rid of Shirley and tonight she had promised to cook dinner for Glyn .
15 And if it were up to me , I 'd just want to talk about music , about a certain passage of Mozart and how I would place the emphasis at certain points , and how I feel I 'm a good interpreter at the piano , but not particularly a good technician … ‘
16 but I mean I , I still think at the end of the day that , you know , we , we , we , we still have to realize that we are only looking at , at a minute erm area of China and therefore you know how , how relevant is it .
17 The ‘ Glamaig Water ’ etching is in fact the Allt Daraich coming down from the corrie to the south of Glamaig and there I found one of the most reassuring sights of the Rambles .
18 The honour was historically linked with the honour of Pontefract and together they formed a single trans-Pennine power bloc .
19 The honour was historically linked with the honour of Pontefract and together they formed a single trans-Pennine power bloc .
20 Some bloke you never meet jacks off with a copy of Penthouse and then they pump his come up you with a syringe ?
21 He hurried away until he had managed to put half a mile between himself and the body of Maidstone and then he slowed down .
22 Labour will take action to … abolish the undemocratic House of Lords as quickly us possible .
23 to re-think your diet and the end of September as well I should think
24 Then he moved to the South of France and now he has moved on elsewhere .
25 Yeah yeah a good Da Dave manages Doncaster now he 's an ex manager of Walsall as well We lived at the Brown Lion at the time and er , I , I was out the front on the Saturday evening and I er manager 's just been to fetch his Sunday joint from the local butchers and he shouted across the road to his pal how have they got on , cos there was no radio in those days , and er he says they 've won two nil and the man dropped his meat in front of him and dribbled it all the way down the road , it was such excitement it was of course all people over the moon .
26 Oh , he said , I expect in a minute the door will be flung back and I 'll be dragged off to some sort of temple arena where I 'll fight maybe a couple of giant spiders and an eight-foot slave from the jungles of Klatch and then I 'll rescue some kind of a princess from the altar and then kill off a few guards or whatever and then this girl will show me the secret passage out of the place and we 'll liberate a couple of horses and escape with the treasure . ’
27 We had sent Johann back to the Castle of Zenda and suddenly we had a message from him .
28 I 'm no great fan of BT but surely I ca n't be the only person to feel that , despite its unbearable corporate smugness , its waste on stupid logos and its ludicrous charging for directory enquiries , it has transformed itself since privatisation into an organisation that is relatively efficient .
29 Philippa was ousted by her uncle , William IV 's younger brother , but in the eyes of her descendants she had been the rightful Countess of Toulouse and periodically they went to war to re-assert that claim .
30 I eventually assumed that , by now , someone else must have written the animal version of Manwatching and recently I went to look for it .
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