Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Promotion for Hilde was not the cause for celebration she had expected :
2 Home for Ken was now the Park West block of flats off the Edgware Road , a far more posh environment than any he had been used to up to then .
3 Another potential problem for Marlow is how the public reacts to the idea of Quorn .
4 I knew before I started out that , weatherwise , the end of March is not the time to plan a journey to the Islands and my misgiving proved to be well founded as on Tuesday 23 March I found myself in the lounge at Dalcross Airport , Inverness watching gale force winds sweep snow across the runways .
5 The Chagga of Kilimanjaro were perhaps the group most fiercely opposed to the increased use of Swahili , but when they elected their paramount chief in the early 1950s they were unable to agree on which of the Chagga dialects to adopt as their common language , and they , too , adopted Swahili .
6 For those who could do so , to subscribe to the militant slogans of Pravda was not the same as to accept the party line on every issue , still less that of Lenin .
7 The Tower of Hoeth is also the home of the Sword Masters , warrior-ascetics who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of wisdom and learning carefully controlled violence .
8 But the power of X-Clan is not the spoken word .
9 The so-called tomb of Osiris was actually the burial place of Djer , a long-forgotten king of the First Dynasty .
10 The key battle is likely to be between brilliant Torino player Enzo Scifo and Welsh skipper Barry Horne , who said : ‘ Schifo and Hagi of Romania are probably the best two midfield players in the world .
11 Jesus of Nazareth was now the prism through which the various shafts of light in the Old Testament about the Spirit became luminous and in focus to them .
12 Beyond doubt the Maldive Islands in the Bay of Bengal were much the richest source in southern Asia at the time of the Arab and Portuguese domination of the Indian Ocean .
13 But a central conclusion of Tuttle , that the creatures of Laetoli were not the same species as ‘ Lucy ’ and the ‘ first family ’ of Ethiopia , was challenged immediately .
14 From West End Girls to the camp reworking of U2 's Where the streets have no name , this band has had the smash hits Neil Tennant used to write about when he was an anonymous music journalist .
15 But the particular circumstances of Corbett are not the only , or the real , problem .
16 So what one remembers out of Hardy is not the philosophic vapourings or the spiritual anguish , all impossibly unreal today … ’
17 Fortunately the Count of Nordland is also the Prince of Salzenmund , where he has an imposing and comfortable fortress .
18 The gigantic Tertiary boulder beds of Ecuador are perhaps the best-known example .
19 The mission to invite Edward to come to parliament was prompted by Melton 's protest against condemning the king unheard and unseen ; the sermons of Orleton , Stratford and finally of Reynolds were not the spontaneous initiatives of these prelates , but clearly part of an opportunist programme coordinated by Mortimer and his allies .
20 But Rangers , after their 2–1 European Cup triumph at Elland Road , proved that the best of Scotland is indeed the best of British .
21 The family of Cornelius are therefore the first non-Jews to become known as followers of Christ , and this was a highly significant moment in the life of the early Church .
22 The subsequent liberation of Spain was largely the work of Wellington 's armies ; after the battle of Vitoria ( June 1813 ) Joseph left Spain and in the spring of 1814 the Desired One returned to his kingdom .
23 The canals of England are mainly the creation of the last forty years of the eighteenth century and the first quarter of the nineteenth , and they introduced a number of distinctive changes into the landscape .
24 A medical supplies shop in the back streets of Shanghai is not the average travellers idea of an attraction , but for the tack traveller it contains hidden treasures .
25 On security issues Meckel maintained during a debate in the Volkskammer ( unicameral parliament ) on April 26 that membership of NATO was not the government 's aim , and would be conditional upon a change in the structures of the Western Alliance .
26 No rent has been paid since July but arrears up to the end of November are already the subject of a previous court order .
27 WOULD-BE MP No rent had been paid since July last year but arrears up to the end of November were already the subject of a previous court order and Mr Finnegan had arranged for his wife 's small income to be made available to cover those .
28 The pro-Palestinian faction of the National Front expressed this view when it asserted that Zionism was an empire ‘ which menaces the whole world ’ ; Zionism was ‘ an iceberg of hidden power of which the bandit state of Israel is only the cruel tip …
29 The music of Shostakovich is perhaps the most personal of any written in the twentieth century .
30 These are more than coincidences : there was much that Greek Sicily and Greek Cyrene had in common , patronage of Pindar being only the most obvious and symbolic link .
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