Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [be] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I accused Guy of selling off Chester 's to our rivals , but it appears he was planning the opposite … ’
2 She wound a lime chiffon scarf of Madeleine 's around her head , and practised pouting with one hip thrust forward .
3 You do n't have anything of Bernard 's on you , I suppose ? ’
4 However when pressed , Zerrer turns out to believe , like other new agers , that the Age of Aquarius is upon us .
5 After all the turmoil , after the years of shame , to be in a position where power is absolute , where the future of Germany is in your hands .
6 In his ‘ Histoire anecdotique du Cubisme ’ Salmon records their disappointment.l Gertrude Stein writes that ‘ Tschoukine who had so much admired the painting of Picasso was at my house and he said almost in tears , what a loss for French painting . ’
7 The time of Caravaggio is upon us .
8 Rupert of Hentzau was with them , and when he saw us , he turned his horse and came towards us .
9 Before my friends could do anything , Rupert of Hentzau was on his horse and galloping through the trees .
10 I should add that in any event the Bank of England are in my judgment entitled to the presumption of regularity both as to reasonableness and as to the scope of their functions , and Mr. Philipson has not been able to point to any evidence of fact which can not be reconciled with them having the required reasonable opinion .
11 A few days before Christmas 1286 , Edward I of England was in his duchy of Aquitaine .
12 This information has , I understand , the authority of Debrett 's behind it .
13 Had n't the losing of Eugenia been like one ?
14 What the media , whether television or the press , never pick up is an occasion such as this , when the House of Commons is at its best in terms of the relationships between people in all parts of the House .
15 Soon nine seats in the House of Commons were in his gift : his M.P.s were referred to in Parliament as ‘ Sir James 's ninepins ’ .
16 ‘ I have also been to the Guildhall , ’ he mournfully concluded ‘ The mayor told me in no uncertain terms how displeased His Grace the Regent Duke of Lancaster is at our lack of progress .
17 However , AJ had been identified by that police officer and another officer ( who did not identify TJ ) ; and the correct identification of AJ was in itself relevant to the accuracy of the same witness 's identification of TJ ( Castle [ 1989 ] Crim.L.R. 567 ) .
18 Many of the 26,500 names would therefore love to follow the 6,000 who have already shaken the dust of Lloyd 's from their feet these past three years .
19 Was Jesus speaking of the Tat Tvam Asi ( Thou art That ) of the Hindus when he said , ‘ The kingdom of God is within you ’ ?
20 To the Pharisees , who were blind to the evidence before their eyes , and were postponing their hopes to the future , our Lord responded , ‘ No one will say , ‘ Look , here it is ! ’ or , ‘ There it is ! ’ because the Kingdom of God is within you ’ ( Luke 17:21 ) .
21 If we believe , as we are taught , that the Kingdom of God is within us , surely this must mean that many of life 's experiences are a foretaste of the joys that are to come in heaven ?
22 Forgetting , of course , that our goodbye is a contraction of God be with you which , if uttered in full today , would earn us a rightly deserved raspberry for insincere piety .
23 If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him , how can the love of God be in him ?
24 May the everlasting God shield you East and West and South and wherever you go and the blessing of God be upon us .
25 Headley Down 's Graham Hutcheson — a friend of Welland 's since their schoolboy trials days — finished second .
26 The blessing of Christ be upon us .
27 He 'd said the best place for the people of Dynmouth was in their coffins .
28 He was a friend of Burton 's throughout his life , directed his record-breaking Hamlet on Broadway , appeared with him in Wagner , met and studied him .
29 However , there were some wealthy and influential people who were enthusiastic supporters of Baxter 's amongst whom were many of the local J.P.s .
30 If any of these women were seriously important to him , she could n't tell from his attitude , so she was able to listen quite happily when he spoke about a play he had seen with Paula , or repeated an anecdote of Wendy 's about her job as a television production assistant .
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