Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] you do not " in BNC.

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1 Just jot the other people 's names down and then obviously when they 've been they 've said their piece just strike their name through so you do n't go and .
2 ‘ When they shake it up and down in the test-tube , it mixes it up like inside you does n't it ? ’
3 That beautiful , lazy parabola into somewhere you do n't want to be .
4 And I put a pair of twos in so you did n't very much .
5 Well in here you do n't get double time for a Sunday , .
6 ‘ Not in there you do n't , believe me . ’
7 " At least you did n't call me a tinker , and they 're not all thieves . "
8 Er you know living er so close to neighbours and people you know in so it tended to be , in other places where I 've lived , that you did n't see people people very often , at least you did n't speak to your close neighbours very often , and erm in the flats , you know I found that they were right in the midst of it .
9 At least you did n't catch the chicken pox , that 's something .
10 Well at least you did n't dream about shoving a blue towel up your trouser leg , well done .
11 You might see brightly coloured clothes or long hair but at least you do n't see the same shoes , the same jeans or the same jackets by the same designer .
12 The strangest point came from Steve the sculptor : ‘ At least you do n't spend as much time rushing to the loo as when you drink lemonade , and you burp less . ’
13 ‘ So , at least you do n't deny that you are responsible for the damage to my car ? ’
14 ‘ Well , at least you do n't deny ‘ t is the Empress 's men who hold Tracy . ’
15 At least you do n't have to go down it again ! ’
16 I notice that at least you do n't deny it ! ’
17 At least you do n't have to buy batteries for them as well .
18 Well at least you do n't have to .
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