Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh well I 'll do my best and if er if they 're stuck for somewhere with a leaf then er we 'll send them round .
2 While some agreements in this area might not endure for long during a war , others might be more effective ( Towle , 1980 ) .
3 The use of a petrol block on a diesel engine is not a problem as the parts are exactly the same The problem is with the crankshaft The diesel unit is of forged steel and carries a ‘ D ’ stamped on the web of the crank The petrol version , whilst sharing exactly the same dimensions is marked P and it is made from cast iron and will not run for long in a diesel unit — as you have discovered Some military petrol engines however are fitted with the forged steel crank and these will fit and run in diesel units
4 Subtle but damning variations of idiolect are unlikely to count for much in a country where people go around wearing tee-shirts inscribed with things like ‘ The essence of brave 's aerial adventure : the flight 's academy of the American east club with the traditional gallery of Great Britain diesel ’ .
5 But he proved , when he joined the illustrious band of Yorkshire bowlers to take 1000 wickets for the county , that experience and craftsmanship still count for much in a game which seems to reserve its greatest acclaim for the lean , young gunslingers .
6 It has come about entirely as a result of privatisation .
7 The FRED retains the proposal made in the Discussion Paper , which was supported by the majority of respondents , that convertible debt should be accounted for entirely as a liability until such time as it is actually converted , in preference to methods which seek to reflect the dual nature of convertible debt as part liability and part equity .
8 He had been reported missing shortly after 5.30pm on a flight from Teesside to Carlisle .
9 The grim find was made shortly after 9am by a grave-digger who noticed a patch of disturbed ground inside the cemetery garden near the Seafield entrance to the crematorium .
10 The grim find was made shortly after 9am by a grave-digger who noticed a patch of disturbed ground inside the cemetery garden near the Seafield entrance .
11 So you can go for longer without a tint .
12 The improvements in the accident rate have come about largely as a result of increased awareness about safety matters and a developing safety culture .
13 Although he engaged in some pastoral work in the years after his ordination , preaching and hearing confessions , his time was spent almost entirely in the papal civil service and , until the appointment to Germany for just over a decade , almost entirely in Rome .
14 She 's been with them now for just over a month , and Angelica has never known a worker like her .
15 From here you walk north-east following forest paths and tracks for just under a mile .
16 These men and women always belong to and are made sense of only as a part of the collective — the race , the nation , the state , the republic , the class , etc .
17 I enclose herewith the principal , duplicate , Copy List of Assize and List of Assize to be summoned in conjunction with the instructions shown below together with a warrant for citation in respect of the above mentioned High Court Sitting .
18 Durkheim commented on the difficulty of regarding ‘ an enlightened Catholic of to-day as a sort of retarded savage ’ , but he provided the reminder that ‘ the most primitive religions are not the only ones which have attributed this power of propagation to the sacred character ’ .
19 I sat next to Grant at a private screening of Just Like a Woman .
20 He was preparing a series of six documentaries with the overall title of Once in a Lifetime and said the situation regarding the Women of the Year lunch fitted in perfectly .
21 The Hilary of once upon a time would have done it and taken great pleasure in confronting him , but the Hilary of now seemed to have become a spineless coward .
22 It 's sort of more like a pyjama top than a blazer .
23 Indeed the importance of the correct citing of an author 's spelling is regularly marked by the insertion of sic into a citation by a second author who wishes to disclaim responsibility for an aberrant spelling .
24 ‘ If you stay here she 'll probably call for a dozen more rehearsals of that damn kiss — so why do n't we cut out of here for a while and go for a coffee ?
25 Either he walked out of here with a deal for Simon Cormack , or he would need a police escort anyway .
26 ‘ As soon as you 've gone , she 'll be out of here like a flash .
27 ‘ Well , we 've got people coming in and out of here like a train station .
28 walked out of here in a huff
29 It , but er the difference this is that we 've got a piece of fabric coming of there with a weight holding it down .
30 Mazzin was out of there in a flash , laughing with his friends who seemed eager to know what it was like in the box .
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