Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Though what I am trying to do is just explore all these possible lines of thoughts erm in a political way , alright , but they do n't work out neatly and these critics got quite excited about so I thought I ought to point them out to you but you 're quite right in pointing out that they do n't work out neatly , O K. So we 've got to , where have we got to with George ?
2 Er now these are more important asked about so I think we should be very clear on it before er we reduce spending .
3 ‘ Mme Verard , ’ he wrote , ‘ for so they called her , in order to pay her that honour due to her staunchness and fidelity ( though the union had never been blessed in God 's sight ) , had heard among her people that they planned to fall upon the settlers and massacre them in their beds one moonlit night .
4 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
5 On the one hand , he sensed the anger of the island and its hot spirits if the powerful enchantress died ( for so he saw her ) ; he attempted to exorcise this fear with prayer and readings from the Bible , sometimes aloud to the uncomprehending heathen girl who tended the hag as if she were a lover .
6 Just after 2pm he made his way to the back door .
7 ‘ Rush was one of the few out there who did himself credit .
8 The emotions raised by the events quickly led to considerable confusion in the media and Stormont about just who did what .
9 And we 're trying to find out the opp so we want something that ties up opp and adjacent .
10 Both The Wretched of the Earth and Black Skin , White Masks close with affirmations made in the knowledge of exactly what threatens them — that being , after all , what both books are about , and what powerfully pre-empts the charge of humanist sentimentality : ‘ I can already see a white man and a black man hand in hand ’ ( Black Skin , 222 ) .
11 ‘ But in the case of Just You Dare it belongs to Cyril Murphy , the horse 's lad , and my long serving work-rider-cum-jockey Colin Nutter . ’
12 No experience of ever anybody doing it .
13 Yo yo it was sort of like he got he got hit on the got run over
14 but I do n't see , I 'm trying to make it like a genetic connection or something I mean or some kind of like you know I mean to me it 's just set up
15 Be be because you know it , it really is , it 's erm er it is sort of really we see it as sort of part of the confirmation programme really and your involvement in it , and it 's all sort of quite erm special to confirmation so it would be nice if you could be involved .
16 Yeah but it was n't done in a , in an enthusiastic manner it was like a sort of well who do you know like friend , family that sort of thing and at the beginning I thought you was a bit more positive but I thought when you were revisiting the , the planning the future that might have been nerves right at the beginning of the session , you then relaxed and your pace all slowed down , excellent at reminding er Jim picked up referrals mentioned earlier , handled the objection okay , do n't remember you asking Jim to contact them beforehand do n't think you did , Jim did he ?
17 And if some , er , jus it was very thin slices of beef , topside of well I thought I 'll get some beef out , and I did it in the microwave and it cooked but it was it was quite tough .
18 Er in the way that they and they sort of well I suppose it was the situation in which the quarries you know sort of or and .
19 I was just saying that during the course of today I hope you 'll complete a questionnaire .
20 actually caught with , I think he was just starting on that when Mike come down , er but , he got it out this magazine rack because it was at the back of there I put it , cos it 's this year 's the others I 've got upstairs in a drawer
21 And er it took us a long time to get the special material because as you will gather , we tend to do everything properly , so we had to have the a cloth specially woven er handwoven of course and especially dyed and for once we had it especially fooled in other words the nap was raised .
22 For once they had him by the balls .
23 And for once he knew he was fully appreciated by his Buttermere neighbours and even by his wife .
24 For once I think you 're wrong .
25 I stayed there for a week in January and for once I found myself in the overworked brochure cliche : Marrakech is a city of contrasts and a fascinating blend of the old and new .
26 And then if she says something like well what do you think I might just say well I have n't really talked to you very much about the way that you feel about Dangerous so I do n't really know erm Dangerous , what a fucking stupid name !
27 We 've a new sound system coming and that 's going to be mounted behind the there 's a there 's a great hole behind there you know which is actually the size of the range of one of the medieval kitchens .
28 I had a mental picture of the conductor on the red London bus talking to Hammouda the village postman , of the English boy 's friends playing with Khadija 's grandson , especially Margaret , whose hair reminded me of the coloured feather duster Khadija 's grandson had pleaded for everytime he saw it in the market , thinking that it was a toy or a bird .
29 A barium meal was ordered and the woman was thrown on to a trolley and forced to endure indignities ( being shouted at , roughly handled , and left in a draughty corridor with only me to help her ) at the hands of a very senior consultant radiologist .
30 I like them like that because what I tend to do with so I like them that big because then I can cut them up into sticks , stick them in the fridge , then if I feel like being naughty not ever so naughty because I 'm nibbling at carrots rather than a packet of crisps or something .
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