Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] that [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He was joking , half flirting , stirring an intimacy between them that had sent a flickering response , like warm fingers , down Ronni 's spine .
2 For me that meant wrapping it in a blue launderette bag which served as a case .
3 Do you remember any of the teachers particularly well any of them that had had an impact on you ?
4 There 's one pair of them that 's got a hole in it though .
5 Not surprisingly , those of them that tried to reverse this fate have sometimes prospered .
6 I think everyone 's got their own ways of dealing with them , you know certainly some people ignore them , you know I prefer to ignore them rather than taunt them , er possibly because I was n't really friendly with any of them that did go back , I think people who were close friends have found it very awkward and I know even now they 're probably looking daggers at each other you know , that sort of thing .
7 As I will show later , the child may play off that side of you that is exhausted and wishes to take the ‘ line of least resistance ’ , against that part of you that wishes to make a stand on an important matter of principle .
8 It was the thought of her that had drawn me back to the Lodge with my dream , and if this odd enterprise had any meaning at all it must lie , I believed , somewhere between the three of us .
9 Or perhaps there was a part of her that wanted to give in .
10 The heat and strength of him that had alarmed her that first night now enthralled her .
11 It had been worship of him that had aroused Michael 's interest in boxing .
12 Nothing of him that doth fade ,
13 There was a sizeable part of him that wanted to exit this Dominion once and for all .
14 At least to that branch of it that had rooted at Edendale in Southland , NZ , where it was now summer .
15 Well that Actually that 's on my disk cos we did have two the the disk partitioned and it 's my half of it that 's got a meg and a half left .
16 They were able to communicate with the part of us that longs to grow and expand into the world .
17 That has made a huge difference , and in terms of the response to the issues among so-called ‘ decision-makers ’ it is this increasing ability on the part of the environmental organisations to marshal good accurate evidence behind them that has begun to tilt the balance of opinion in their favour .
18 there 's probably two above them that have played one less
19 But mostly it was directed towards herself , and whatever it was in her that seemed to respond to some call given out by the least suitable of men ; despite what she 'd been through in the past couple of years she appeared to have learned precisely nothing .
20 Yet , though she longed to flee from him , to put huge distances between them , there was something drawing her , some mystery in him that seemed to reach out and take her in its clutches .
21 She 'd always considered herself so strong , so immune to the temptations of the flesh ; yet last night she 'd discovered a depth of passion within her that had shaken her profoundly .
22 it 's always a bit a it came home to me with great a vigour and enthusiasm when I was walking round the kitting station at R A F Innsworth with a supermarket trolley getting it filled with kit and when I got to the end they handed me my dog tags and my gun , I thought what have I let myself in for because I 'd never worn dog tags before and I 'd never had a gun with live ammunition in it that got strapped to my hip and you suddenly realise , I 'm going into a real war it was quite a nerve racking experience for a few days
23 So it was transparent , with these little black circles in it that seemed to jump backwards and forwards at you .
24 These abnormalities arise either because there is an abnormality in some aspect of the timing system itself or because modern society has made demands upon us that have outstripped our biological evolution .
25 At our average age , many things inside us that had worked away uncomplaining for decades must have been getting worn out .
26 What was it about him that seemed to knock her off balance this way , making her act so strangely out of character ?
27 Broad-shouldered and lean-hipped , he still had that fluent , athletic look about him that had marked him out so long ago .
28 His caresses had urged her to a wild , uninhibited passion she 'd never known she possessed — but it was the love she felt for him that had sent her into such a breathtaking completion .
29 Was n't at all sure that she wanted him to have learned anything about her that went to add up to what made her tick .
30 Theda almost burst into tears , as she recalled Benedict 's endearing name for her that had stuck from their first meeting .
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