Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] in [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No material is given about their activities as Mufti , and no anecdotes are related about them in their capacity as Mufti , though something is related about each in his capacity as kadi .
2 The ruins of so many Indian palaces — Mandu , for example , or the great Hindu capital of Hampi — still retain an aura of great dignity about them in their wreckage , but in the Red Fort that aura is notable by its absence .
3 This form of prayer , then , gathers up all our experiences and takes them to the King of Kings , and we think about them in his presence — all the hurts , all the joys , all that stops us becoming the kind of persons we feel called to be .
4 You will probably be surprised at what a different experience it is actually speaking the words rather than running through them in your head .
5 The opportunities provided in the clinical area for teaching on a one to one or small group basis should enable the teacher to be aware of at least some of these differences in her students , and to make some provision for them in her teaching .
6 As she searched for them in her pocket , Oliver could not wait any longer and ran into her arms .
7 Beyond that lay the Germans ' barbed wire , and beyond that still the Germans , waiting for them in their trenches .
8 With no experience of being accepted for who and what they were and are , it is hard for them in their turn to accept the other for what he or she is , or is becoming .
9 We pray for them in their studies .
10 Most gliding instructors are aware of these problems and watch out for them in their students .
11 About 60 per cent of self-poisoners take psychotropic drugs that have been prescribed for them in their overdoses ( Hawton et al. 1977 ) .
12 So the majority of golfers are best advised simply to judge the wind conditions and allow for them in their choice of club and aim .
13 When they had gone , Lily cried for them in their helplessness , feeling , for all her weakness , stronger than them , realising that it was easier to contemplate one 's own death than the death of someone loved .
14 On their births a trust a fund of tens of thousands of pound was started for them in their names by their grandmother .
15 The College only hopes that the Russian authorities will be shamed into improving conditions for them in their homeland .
16 Farmers needed to identify likely emergency situations on their farms and ensure that there was somebody able to cover for them in their absence .
17 There is at least one instance of an aedile of a pagus , although we might suspect that the praefectus pagi of the Gallic Epotes lies outside the normal run of local government officials , though it must be remembered that magistrates could appoint prefects to act for them in their absence .
18 In some circumstances a spouse or former spouse , children or anyone you have maintained may have a claim against your estate whether or not you have provided for them in your will .
19 This practice has robbed your rivers of much of its spawning stock to the great detriment of the whole Scottish economy , for wild salmon bring money into the country in many ways and provide direct and indirect employment for many through anglers who fish for them in your rivers .
20 Horses and ponies have more character than machinery so there will always be a place for them in our lives .
21 Racists are bigots who should not share our planet and there is no place for them in our party and no place for them in Britain
22 Ultimately , there might have been differences between them in what enlargement meant , but the point is that higher education stood for an overriding and widening development of the mind .
23 The effect of the change on the observed level of suppression will depend on the relative contributions of the two associations and any difference between them in their susceptibility to contextual factors .
24 They stopped it see , so I did n't gain anything out of it , me mates at work they made a collection for me in their way .
25 Mr Billings was waiting for me in his yard .
26 ‘ My lord , I have good reason to know that it was you who said a word for me in his Grace 's ear , and gave me this day for thought , and even offered me arguments I was not wise enough to find for myself .
27 " Plant 's going to convey the bath for me in his van , Stephen .
28 Mathilda was waiting for me in my chamber .
29 The pair of you could live here and look after me in my dotage . ’
30 He was very frightened of the spirits and they ran after him in his dreams .
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