Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] and [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although the females ' ranges are smaller than those of individual males they overlap those of several of them and may therefore turn up in more than one male community ; females in oestrus range widely , consorting with a male for a few days .
2 I respect you and I am very fond of you and shall always , always be grateful to you ; but that is n't enough , is it ?
3 She has a great future ahead of her and will undoubtedly improve as here serve and volleys do .
4 This is the only fault which I can find in his character though it bears little importance as it takes nothing away from the readers ' love of him and may even increase it due to his helplessness .
5 He will strike against me and may well try to hurt you .
6 Ronnie wants to put the whole incident behind him and would rather not say any more .
7 The noodles are very thin and simply require boiling water to be poured over them and should then be left to steep for 3–4min .
8 Most reptiles , having buried or concealed their eggs in some way , abandon them , but a few stay beside them and will valiantly defend them against robbers .
9 Even though I 'm not one to go out , some days you wish you did n't have someone dependent on you and could just go out and about .
10 Writing to Ellen , she could not help be bitter , remarking : — all life seems a trap again Ellen and I expect it has too often seemed so to you and will yet .
11 ‘ Dr. Briant proposes to read a short account of his project to you and will then be available for questioning .
12 He was fourteen years old , blind and hardly able to walk , but they had grown much attached to him and could hardly endure the thought of his death .
13 I find the textual basis for this interpretation very flimsy , in fact there is clear erm erm erm textual evidence for precisely the opposite and let me cite erm one instance Locke is here talking about tacit consent and the purchase of property and erm he says whenever the owner who has given nothing but such a tacit consent to the government will by donation , sale or otherwise quit the said possession , he is at liberty to go and incorporate himself into any other commonwealth or to agree with others to begin a new one in any part of the world they can find free and unpossessed whereas he that has once by actual agreement in any expressed declaration given his consent to be of any commonwealth is perpetually and indispensably obliged to be and remain unalterably a subject to it and can never be again in the liberty of the state of nature .
14 They were trying to put one over on us and would no longer get away with it .
15 In the second case , however , compulsory acquisition at less than market price involves an actual loss since the owner is not only deprived of his property but is also compensated at a price which might be less than he paid for it and would almost certainly be insufficient to purchase a similar parcel of land in the open market .
16 ‘ It 's equally possible , sir , that she knows all about it and may well choose to tell me something .
17 ‘ I want to think about it and will probably make my mind up in the next day or two . ’
18 Her need of Gareth Davis constantly tugged at her and would no longer be denied .
19 They did not seem very interested in business , though they ran up big drinks bills for us and would occasionally ruffle our hair or squeeze our balls with an experienced touch , weighing us up , as it were .
20 Haveing therefore an intire Confidence that his said Highnesse the Prince of Orange will perfect the deliverance soe farr advanced by him and will still preserve them from the violation of their rights which they have here asserted and from all other attempts upon their Religion Rights and Liberties .
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