Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [coord] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most travellers with their wits about them and an eye for aesthetics would have preferred to rest at the Bates Motel .
2 Even where practices may not differ over time , or place , there may be an inconsistency about them or a lack of knowledge about them , or a long-standing dispute about them , which could make it equally difficult to argue that following or not following a practice was or was not constitutional or legitimate .
3 It was as if their lives had been aimless , random as pinballs , but when they came inside her door , there was a chair especially for them and a mug chosen for their tea .
4 She fetched some home-made cakes for them and a glass of lemonade each , and while they ate and drank opened her parcels .
5 Perhaps I 'm missing something , but I do n't see how swapping a huge Tory majority for a small one is a triumph for them and a disaster for us — a relief for them and a disappointment for us , perhaps .
6 Perhaps I 'm missing something , but I do n't see how swapping a huge Tory majority for a small one is a triumph for them and a disaster for us — a relief for them and a disappointment for us , perhaps .
7 In cases where a papilla arises on two adjacent areas the m is split into 2n 's with a comma between them and a linking bar above them .
8 ‘ These provincial councils were meant to act as part of central council within their own area , but they have grown more independent and now we have a situation where there is both competition and conflict between them and a reluctance to accept the authority of central council . ’
9 It was only five in the afternoon , early for me but a drink might help .
10 After deciding on beer — a pint for me and a half for Sally — we chatted about our golf game and then Sally asked : ‘ How are you getting on with the Brian Harley business ? ’
11 It was a winter not of discontent but of change and new ideas — a change of direction for me and a widening of horizons .
12 ‘ At least Clinger had a reasonable congregation , half a dozen confirmation candidates for me and a woman running a youth club .
13 A glorious red butterfly with sapphire blue eyes on its wingtips fluttered and curtsied in front of me , moorland sheep scuttled reluctantly off the track as I ploughed towards them and a group of walkers cursed as they struggled up the bank .
14 Whenever I had a sheet of paper in front of me and a paintbrush or pencil in my hand , the result was inevitable .
15 Once the exams were over I had the whole summer free in front of me and a host of new friends to pass it with the idea made me extremely happy .
16 I feel a lively lump inside of me and a need to keep it vital ; to keep on running though I am panting and sweating like a sore animal ; to encase it in life , to keep it moving .
17 but I mean it was things like doing questionnaires maybe telephone question phoning people up you know that your three and a half , well not all of them but an example
18 He saw a pile of them and a notice nearby , ‘ Hire of chairs 2d. per session of three hours . ’
19 As to planting electronic bugs , you would need an ant colony of them and an army of listeners before you could be reasonably sure of covering every room in London where George Harbinger might whisper an indiscretion .
20 I 'll throw you to the fucking wolves — are you listening , you stupid fuck ? — and there 'll be nothing left of you but a pile of shit and a hank of hair .
21 You ca n't have family snaps when there 's just the two of you and a cat .
22 But nothing of course would induce me to make a miserable thing out of you and a fool of myself .
23 ‘ Well , ’ the other said , ‘ they always used to say , if you 've got an infestation ahead of you and an infestation behind you , always go for the infestation to your side . ’
24 In fact , given the choice of you or a bear with a sore wotsit , I 'd take the bear every time . ’
25 Sometimes the little boy climbed from his cot and played for a while indoors , though more usually he toddled out on to the terrace , in search of her and a drink
26 The hour may come within weeks , within days , to-morrow ; and then , before I take the field with the fate of Wales in my hands , I have a need of her and a use for her here ; and then I shall be loosed from this dumbness that binds my tongue , and I shall be able to say to her what needs to be said , and what as yet I can not say .
27 Although nothing could be seen of him but a silhouette Stephen was sure the man was looking at him , staring insolently at this approaching form across the intervening , pallid , tundra-like land .
28 By now , a hundred people have lined up in front of him and a security guard begins to keep them in line .
29 A single piper marched ahead of him and a party of riflemen in canvas fatigue uniforms swung along smartly behind him .
30 Within a few months of reaching its greatest height , nothing remained of it but a heap of rubble .
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