Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] who [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't get it out of them who had paid for her , but old Alex the cleaner told me on the side : Boswell , Slim Boswell . ’
2 If someone did n't own up to it , he 'd get all of them who had used that particular hut over the previous month , trying to find who had used that bandage and not reported it .
3 This expedition , in addition to proving a new method of jungle warfare , did another great thing for British troops : it convinced them of the friendliness of the people of Burma , for many of them who had fought through the 1942 campaign had prejudiced memories of those hard days .
4 It was the other young mothers in the beds each side of her who had laughed at it .
5 The father of a friend of mine who went to visit relatives in Paris told us that he did not know a word of French but spoke the Parmigiano dialect all the time and got on very well .
6 And so were all those so-called friends of hers who seemed to spend their entire lives going to parties .
7 They would be from Canada , from her sister Louise who would suggest that she might put up various old acquaintances passing through London , or find a suitable family for a darling Austrian boy , not so very much older than Martha , whose father was a kind of Count , but was also in the import-export business , or try to recall a splendid person , the friend of a friend of hers who had had a very , very sad story .
8 Susan and Gay were the people she liked best in the world , and when her father died she had made a mental vow that she would do everything in her power to make life happy for this sister of hers who had worked so hard and shown such courage .
9 Of the forty of us who had survived so far , another twelve were weeded out and the rest of us sat there until 6.00 pm looking at the posters on the walls and reading the few tattered paperbacks which sat on the shelves .
10 We had two weeks to go before we finished basic training , and among those of us who had survived there was the blase attitude of the old hand .
11 Those of us who had to stay at our posts ( ‘ laborare est orare ’ said our text-book expert ) could think of the prayer John and Janet Page had composed for us .
12 For the first half of 1946 I remained at school , where the privileged handful of us who had won our places at Oxford and Cambridge did no work , read widely , cycled to the seaside .
13 Of the forty-eight of us who had left Aubagne two months before only thirty-six were in a fit state to attempt the tests .
14 The three of us who had known that their babies were alive were very quiet .
15 We came home , those of us who 'd skied and those who had n't , with a warm glow inside and outside of our skins .
16 Most of us who 'd complained were lesbians .
17 Will he pass on the thanks of those of us who went to see the Prime Minister two weeks ago to ask for his help in the matter ?
18 Those of us who did carry on with the flight , masochistically addicted to the hellish aimlessness of it , were obliged to leave at New Delhi , and spend a day selling brightly coloured scarves and small gold elephants on a souvenir stall .
19 Er I myself and many others were here for two and a half years and I submit to you that this is a considerable portion of one 's adult lifetime and consequently , the experiences of the last three days have been very meaningful and very moving to those of us who did spend such a portion of our lives here in this place .
20 Those of us who helped constitute the large House of Commons majority in favour of the principle of joining the community did so with our eyes open .
21 Out there in peaceful Vancouver , going about our ordinary daily tasks , even though they did make sizeable contributions to the war effort , there were some of us who felt we were not doing enough , and some of us who wanted to get into ‘ the action ’ .
22 I took a friend with me who had caught chub only from the river Dane where the average size was 1½lb .
23 In taking her virginity he had taken away her power to convince any man of her innocence , even the man before her who had said that he loved her .
24 She was still wearing her Sunday clothes , black coat over a long dress , with matching gloves , hat and bag ; every Sunday she remembered those dear to her who had died — every Sunday she mourned .
25 The older ones among them who had heard similar harangues before had already sensed they were about to experience some harshening of their conditions .
26 No one could doubt his ability to keep cool in a crisis and to restrain those around him who wanted to take more extreme action , like the Chiefs of Staff .
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