Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 She did not confirm for them that she had been meeting an escaped prisoner and she did not explain the significance of the print-out , but they clearly knew the first and it would be only a short time before they worked out the second .
2 It was sad for me that I had fallen in love with someone who did not love me , but it was not an experience I cared to repeat — for more and better reasons than the fear of pain .
3 ‘ And let her know that you cared so little for me that you had to be reminded ?
4 It was good of you to come at such short notice and lucky for me that you had no date for this evening , as you so easily might have done . ’
5 I wanted to shout after him that I had made a mistake and that I had really understood him very well .
6 there were some of them that I had missed er completely but
7 Now he told me , that night we got so drunk , that it was because of you that it had n't happened .
8 All these years , she had carried Tyler 's image in her heart , and suddenly there he was , looking at her , startling her , his gaze finding its way into that secret part of her that she had always kept hidden .
9 For the next hour Fabia was alternately angry that he could take her to such heights only to call a halt when she responded too readily , and despair that he had made such a nonsense of her that she had n't known where the dickens she was .
10 ‘ Now , Taggy , you know well it is because of her that he had nothing .
11 Fergus had been so intensely aware of every separate part of her that it had been a pain and a torment .
12 He was a senior , dedicated member , and it did n't at first appear that he had committed any atrocities , but we later found out that he was responsible for denouncing people who had anti-Fascist sympathies , and that it was because of him that we had been taken to Tabiano .
13 She said of him that he had real taste with the produce and was a willing lad all round .
14 She brought with her in the car anything of mine that she had been able to find in the house ( plus a few things that just reminded her of me ) and they were all dumped in my front hall .
15 She had seen this money before , of course , and still had a little collection of it that she had made as a child , yet it was disconcerting to reflect that Johnny would use it as part of his everyday life .
16 She could tell by the feel of it that it had some papers inside , but she did not look at them .
17 On that evening , the day before the wedding , we went to visit our friend Clare Shenstone and her brother , friends of ours that we had met through Calvin Mark Lee .
18 ‘ It was for you that I had to leave that hotel suite and not return until daylight . ’
19 I would never punish any child who did n't agree with me that they had done something …
20 Then Holmes checked with me that I had my gun , an army revolver .
21 Fraser McLuskey kindly confirmed my belief that Leslie had indeed been in ‘ A ’ Squadron — it was with them that the Padre had dropped into France , and with them that he had carried out his ministry deep behind enemy lines .
22 Wyn smiled , perhaps remembering those tales himself , or some connection with them that he had witnessed in the wood .
23 ‘ I wanted to come , ’ Maggie muttered , quite agreeing with him that she had come off worst in everything .
24 ‘ When I die , ’ she said , ‘ you can tell him from me that I had n't forgotten him .
25 What had been lacking in her that he had found in Henrietta ?
26 He could feel the tension like a coil in him ; could feel responses waking in him that he had n't felt since … well , since they 'd tried to reconstruct him .
27 Or : ‘ The swift blinking of his eyes and the trembling of his sensitive hands … aroused feelings in him that he had not ever owned up to even to himself ’ ?
28 Joan Waters , too , was left in peace apart from the following two minor incidents which may have been attempts to impress upon her that she had not moved beyond the reach of the long arm of the undercover services .
29 His mouth covered hers once more , masterful , demanding , drawing responses from within her that she had never before experienced .
30 The tears , and this tiny little thing within her that she had n't even known was there .
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