Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] and it is " in BNC.

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1 We have a signal when we are going for them and it is up to me to go in and score .
2 The McGuires had another son and daughter , Hugh and Jacobina , but little is known of them and it is presumed that they both died young .
3 Think of any of them and it is probable that they will be static , caught like a photograph in a position that somehow typifies them .
4 We are in it and part of it and it is all around us .
5 We have four windows and four doors , we have got a there is a big hill in front of it and it is good , but if it , if the tree house because we find the , the trees and then and then we were , we play in the tree house sometimes with the dog .
6 There is a big hill in front of it and it is good but erm because we climb the , the tree and climb it and we play in the tree house today with the dog .
7 But that 's provided for you and it is erm it you know certainly the assignments I did on the medical practice they were it was very valuable .
8 She has put off the meeting with him and it is not surprising that the two different characters clash .
9 His skill on the ball meant that he was occasionally useful in an inside berth , but the Palace were seldom more than a struggling outfit while he was with us and it is doubtful if many Palace fans ever saw him at his best .
10 Firstly of course , many sincere viewpoints are held and vigorously presented , perhaps reflecting a morality that is now unfashionable or less prevalent ; these viewpoints are always with us and it is proper that they should be so , and that they are seriously and sympathetically heard .
11 Easter is with us and it is good to be reminded for a while about the eternal religious traditions , such as a really stupid controversy .
12 However , they had been plunged into a welter of activity in which they tried to respond to urgent and practical matters placed before them and it is , therefore , not surprising that a commonly held view was that ‘ the best form of training comes from getting on with the job ’ .
13 ‘ There is a feeling of deliverance within me and it is as if she and I had stopped being two , and were united for ever and ever . ’
14 I can not get myself to react with critical coolness towards this music ; every tissue , every nerve vibrates in me and it is a long time since I had such an enduring feeling of rapture as when listening to the latter overture . "
15 One is led to the conclusion therefore that the husband should convey as beneficial owner ; he is very often conveying the former matrimonial home as part of an agreement whereby the wife releases her rights to further claims for capital , and as such he could be said to be receiving valuable consideration from her and it is established that a vendor selling under compulsion should stand in the same position as a contractual purchaser under an open contract ( see Re King [ 1962 ] 1 WLR 632 and Emmet on Title above ) .
16 I find this poem not as effective as ‘ Futility ’ in getting its message across as there does not seem to be much emotion in it and it is very difficult to understand and that takes away much of the effect .
17 England team manager , Keith Fletcher , said : ‘ I 'm delighted for him and it is noticeable how his confidence has grown in recent weeks .
18 It is going to be nine and a half times the footprint of Hambleton three and a half times the footprint of Brayton Bath it will tower in its mass beside them and it is totally unreasonable and wrong for anybody to describe it as merely of local concern .
19 The hare and the hatter also decide to put the poor little dormouse into the teapot , which is rather cruel because he did n't do anything to them and it is rather a strange thing for his companions to do .
20 ‘ But an envoy is an option that President Clinton has mentioned to me and it is probably one he would look at in the event of the talks not being resumed .
21 ‘ We 're saying that the plates had passengers on them and it is these pieces of flotsam and jetsam , not the crustal plates , that have made the most impact on land formation , ’ Blake says .
22 Tell Henry I hope he is good and very attentive to you and it is and will be his place to be your protector ! in my absence .
23 ‘ I know Thomas 's legal status is important to you and it is to me , ’ she said , in a rapid jump of track .
24 The model is his picture of what is going on outside him and it is essentially an hypothesis based on the available evidence .
25 Mr Donovan 's mere financial gain will probably make little difference to him and it is debatable whether his name ‘ has been cleared once and for all ’ as it did not need clearing in the first place .
26 We are committed to it and it is our intention to make it the centre of a big programme of tennis in the city . ’
27 Japanese investment in this country has been enormously valuable to us and it is vital that it should continue .
28 With his junior staff loyally taking the blame and trying to pretend he knew nothing about it ( despite his signature on the 17 January presidential order ) , Reagan began to believe he had known nothing about it and it is possible that he did not know what he was signing .
29 This conception of the signifier bears only a vestige of its Saussurean ancestry , for there is nothing formalist about it and it is not part of a structural attempt to outline the basic grammar of any system .
30 ‘ They are depressed about it and it is now a question of loss adjustors and insurance .
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