Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Leftists and Republicans were therefore entitled to feel that whether the right as a whole , or merely one element of it , achieved power , the consequences for them were likely to be more or less equally unpleasant .
2 If both husband and wife are domiciled in the United Kingdom , any transfer of assets between them is exempt from any charge to inheritance tax ( Inheritance Tax Act 1984 , s18(1) formerly the Capital Transfer Tax Act 1984 ) .
3 Much more is said about ‘ substances ’ and ‘ modes ’ , and the distinction between them is important in Locke ‘ s theory of knowledge .
4 A diatonic-scale glissando goes very well with a chromatic scale on the wind , no discrepancy between them being discernible to the ear .
5 It does not follow , however , that the division between Catholic and Reformed societies and the antagonism between them were irrelevant to the fortunes of the Copernican system .
6 The gulf which had opened up between them was apparent from the weights for the Gallaher Gold Cup : Arkle was set to carry twelve stone seven pounds , Mill House eleven stone five pounds , a difference of sixteen pounds .
7 Conversation with Alexei had been limited for the past day to standard matters of duty , and since he had not been able to think of anything which he could say to change his son 's attitude , he had allowed himself to accept that the state of affairs which existed between them was likely to be permanent .
8 These factors alone would have made for a rapid shift between free and unfree populations ; but in many parts of Europe the relation between them was complicated by local custom and legal variety .
9 In one way life for me is difficult under these circumstances because , as I said , there 's no one really that I can talk to .
10 I must confess I was a little disappointed when I first saw him , because he looked such a little old scrap after me being used to sheepdogs .
11 However , we must remember what we earlier quoted Hegel as saying : that the other person 's attitude towards me is important for my sense of self-identity .
12 Suffice it that I know that your true opinion of me is scornful in the extreme . ’
13 I am not saying that my trusting God was ‘ all up to me ’ , but that I had to see that all of me was involved in trusting God .
14 Part of me was anxious for Jean-Claude .
15 They 'd none of them been lucky with men .
16 But neither of them 's fit for ladies like yourselves .
17 Perhaps some of them are good at putting on a face , saving the grim reality for private moments .
18 Remarkable that out of thirty people elected last May , fifteen of them are new to this Council , a staggering seventeen percent of the Council if you do it statistically .
19 The standardizing , regularizing , authoritative properties often assigned to print as a medium ( though many of them are inherent in any writing system ) could have full social effect only if they had this broad coherence with general developments in the social and labour processes , to which , however , print was not a mere ancillary , for it was one of the forms of such development .
20 Despite the entitlements spelled out in the supplementary benefit regulations , many of them are subject to discretion .
21 Many of them are reminiscent of Modigliani 's nudes .
22 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
23 It is possible to adjust the data for the high proportion of part-time workers , by assuming that two of them are equivalent to one full-time worker .
24 ‘ If she has a large family and some of them are unprovided for , say , for instance , she has unmarried sisters and aunts and nieces , then it is only right , since her husband has married into the family , that he should provide for them , too . ’
25 Naturally , some parent companies are reluctant to give sweeping guarantees , but the arguments in favour of them are strong from the expatriate 's point of view , especially if he is being asked to transfer from the parent to a less substantial overseas subsidiary .
26 Many of them are capable of organising their lives with dignity but others fall into football 's in-built poverty trap .
27 However , when observed over long periods , many species are found to be generalist in that individuals of them are capable of taking advantage of ‘ specialist ’ interactions at any one time : the ‘ anachronisms ’ show this , as do the generalized pollinators on islands where plants have ‘ left their pollinators behind ’ , e.g. a cetoniid beetle , Mauseolopsis aldabrensis , visits 58% of all flowering species , native or introduced , of all colours and morphology , on the coral atoll of Aldabra off the African coast , but it shows a remarkably high degree of constancy in its foraging flights .
28 That one 's broken down by business size , and all of them are available on cheshire or self-adhesive labels .
29 Most of them are available with turbocharged engines below the 2-litre tax break .
30 However , women receive lower redundancy payments than men and a larger proportion of them are ineligible for payments altogether .
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