Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [modal v] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After all , some of them might be football supporters .
2 Erm it may be some will be not so easy need a bit more work and some of them 'll be sort of in the middle .
3 While some landforms may have been so produced , it is possible that many of them may be relict forms subject to little later modification .
4 Some of them may be men like John , forced by their male pride and their self-image to suffer in silence .
5 All of them would be colour versions .
6 There are other places she could go to , of course , but so many of them would be clubs in which she would be expected to communicate and contribute at a time when all she wants is occasionally simply to be ‘ with ’ people and to be able to depart when she wishes without giving offence or disturbing the gathering .
7 ‘ But some of them must be business contacts , surely ? ’ she said helplessly .
8 There are a lot of barriers that exist between people and training some of them could be things like they do n't have access to child care it could be they lack confidence so we go for support and we can offer training which is local we can offer language support .
9 One of them could be Swindon 's own Duncan Shearer , who 's been scoring goals this season as though they were going out of fashion .
10 They could be doing it on a Yes well ninety per cent of them will be P five .
11 One of the greatest things that I have become aware of is that if you have eight people to dinner , one or two of them will be vegetarians .
12 Most of them will be MPs with seats in the House of Commons , where there is a premium on party loyalty and discipline to ensure that the measures proposed by the Cabinet can be passed into law with the minimum of amendment .
13 A high proportion of them will be synonyms — if the file is 85 per cent packed , for example , 17 in every 20 would be expected to be synonyms — and this will lead to rapid deterioration of the file access speed .
14 Some of them can be issues relating to these energy matters that we have been discussing , and in fact one of the aims of introducing this form of discussion is that science is often seen as a very factual subject — that you just receive and learn the facts .
15 You 'll find quite a few of yours will be May
16 The two of you could be twins . ’
17 And you eat in what is called messes so that you eat in a mess of four and the server comes in and puts a plate of it might be venison and a plate of which is a kind of erm corn and er in front of you .
18 Selling in bear markets to clients who have some inkling of it can be hell .
19 Adam of Bremen reports that Cnut had intended Swegen to rule Norway , Harthacnut Denmark , and Harold England , and the Historia Regum attributed to Symeon of Durham that he made Harold the English king , but the Encomium says that he not only promised Emma that any son of hers should be heir , but later on oath pledged the whole kingdom subject to him to Harthacnut , who received oaths of loyalty from English nobles .
20 We knew we had Roseanne Barr 's capacity to be fat and sexy and , on a bad day , any one of us could be Grace Jones — Terminator 3 ?
21 Whether for business or leisure , selecting the accommodation that 's just right for you need be guesswork no longer .
22 Amongst them should be help coming from outside , things like diplomatic leverage by the ’ superpowers ’ , such as sanctions .
23 'You look like you could be part-Apache. ’ 'No , I 'm mostly Lithuanian . ’
24 The window and the table/standard lamp behind you should be part of your furnishing scheme .
25 The last person I 'd let interfere with them would be Daniel .
26 Skills that he wishes to rehearse with them may be part of the programme of another department also , and it makes good sense to have some consultation and perhaps co-ordination .
27 Anywhere I was with you would be home to me .
28 Any luck with you would be pot luck would n't it ?
29 And the man who was on the boat with her must be suspect . ’
30 Comparable psuedo-allegorizing may be found in , for example , Constant du Hamel , where Constant 's wife extorts from her would be seducers a sachet ( cf. bourse " purse " — " scrotum " ) , a corroie ( " belt " , " money-pouch " , therefore parallel to bourse ) and an anel ( " ring " — " anus " , " labia " and ? " foreskin " ) , or in Les trois Dames qui troverent l'anel , " The three women who found the " ring " " , which has an obvious basic parallel in Les trois Dames qui troverent un vit .
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