Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [conj] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It 's very odd , but I find Margaret Thatcher enormously attractive — this may tell you much more about me than I really want you to know .
2 And there 's loads of people round about me and I just went wurgh !
3 ‘ I 'm mad because I had the money for them but I just could n't get time to shop with the hours we 've been working . ’
4 ‘ The Test match fulfils an ambition for me that I never thought would be possible in my time , ’ he said .
5 I have also of course been very excited by the new doors that have opened up for me that I never knew existed .
6 It was waiting for me when I recently returned from Namibia where lesbians and gay men are isolated and unrecognized , and have no solidarity network .
7 That was not really convenient for me as I often did not know at what time I would return from saying Mass in the outstations .
8 For the first time ever , my pride got the better of me and I desperately looked round for some means of defending myself .
9 After all those years of being told I was fat , I had the evidence in front of me and I suddenly realised what everyone had been going on about .
10 Her favourite line was Bernhardt 's , and this she copied into the front of each of the eighteen notebooks , at least the five of them that I still have ; Oh well , I 'll just buy the theatre .
11 I 'm not very critical of his because I still feel , well , he 's my dad , but he 's critical of mine .
12 Although I did n't live with Marian for another four years , it was because of her that I finally left .
13 After what that evil bastard did to me , you could n't possibly tell me anything about him that would make me more frightened of him than I already am . ’
14 it was someone else that told me but told me not to tell anyone and I had to beg it out of him cos I just wanted to know .
15 Both these men became good friends of mine and I frequently visited their homes to deliver large sacks of fan-mail which came in from all parts of the country and the northern U.S.A.
16 Mr Sullivan said : ‘ The gallery owner , Martin Ainscough , is a good friend of mine and I always go to the private viewings because I am a big modern art collector .
17 I 'm sure everybody 's got a different version of it and I really did n't witness any rows .
18 About quarter to eleven we got to bed , but they were going on I fell asleep during the middle of it cos I just got used to the noise
19 Another chap , he 's a big name in a church in Buckley he was a an old neighbour of ours and I never liked cos he used to himself with a bowler hat on they are only back twenty years , you know , bowler hats !
20 Elizabeth 's handwriting is as beautiful and legible as that of Haricleia Cavafy is crabbed and hideous , so it is one of hers that I now copy out :
21 I know you do it for the good of us but I still like to buy you something as a thank you .
22 ‘ Is n't it enough for you that I nearly died ? ’
23 It was fortunate for you that I never insisted on accompanying you . ’
24 As one who went through this situation recently , I ‘ feel ’ for you and I just wanted to let you know this .
25 But , ’ he continued seriously , ‘ I do see danger for you and I also feel sorry , as you have come a long way for nothing . ’
26 He said he knew what you were up to and I would lock the door against you if I so much as guessed the half of it .
27 ‘ But you just have to put it all behind you and I just hope that my back trouble will clear up and I 'll be able to start playing again soon ’ .
28 And God was very good to me there , I was n't the brightest in the year and I had to work very hard , but God always was with me as I always passed my exams much to my surprise .
29 ‘ But as soon as we got to the line I realised he was going to keel over with me and I just hopped off in time .
30 ‘ A midwife went through it all with me and I actually asked her to reassure me that nothing I was doing could harm my own baby , ’ she remembers .
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