Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [conj] [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 Basically , they wanted to write a press release about me and distribute it to all the local newspapers , Radio Cornwall , Television South West and the BBC regional news programme , Spotlight .
2 If the money to fund a curator is n't raised in time , the Pitt Rivers music collection will be the only music collection of its class in the world without a qualified musicologist to look after it and keep it alive for the rest of us .
3 I mean , you look after it and protect it … ’
4 One scheme was to transfer his legal estate to a relative or friend who was staying behind , who could look after it and administer it until he returned , or who , should the knight die abroad , could take care of it until the knight 's son reached his majority and could take it over himself .
5 It was hard to tell , at the moment , whether it would be moving at or away from him , but Sheikh , a patient and methodical child , looked ready to run after it and beat it to death on the boundary should this prove necessary .
6 There will be moves to tighten up this part of the bill in the Commons to try to stop some of the waste imports from countries which can dispose of them but find it politically expedient to export them .
7 Judd saw his own hand , held hovering uncertainly over the heap of treasure , quiver as Stringy 's had done and wondered if that meant he looked as mad as the rest of them did ; and he wanted to say they could have it , that he was opting out and they could divide his share among the three of them and stuff it .
8 Ockleton pointed to one of them and read it aloud .
9 Telling one 's own stories to children of different ages is extremely satisfying and also shows you where you went wrong in the rhythm of a sentence ; unconsciously you alter it to fit the audience in front of you and get it right , so that it makes its point swiftly and powerfully .
10 America should be very proud of him and show it .
11 I rip up an old T-shirt of mine and offer it .
12 The present road and I do n't want to get into the detail of it but relate it to environmental costs against the so called benefits , would in fact cut right through there with a viaduct and it would actually start of on something like a twenty seven foot emba er a twenty seven foot high embankment and with a fifty four deep cutting .
13 A Kentish hegemony in south-east England at this time is not , therefore , wholly out of the question , and Offa 's intention in intervening in 784–5 and thereafter may have been to gain mastery of it and contain it .
14 Oh all you got ta do is to hold that white , hold both ends of it and pull it , it 'll come out .
15 Then you put a good big handle on it , so that everyone can get hold of it and pick it up .
16 We ritualise it , make a game out of it and name it : butch and femme : top and bottom .
17 She 'd pick up a great lump of it and throw it over a nail and then oil her hands with spit and draw it out and out in a long skein , till it was smooth as glass … ’
18 We will take care of it and guard it , in the spirit of the Costanoan Indians .
19 The thing is , if they always give you and you , your , nine times out of ten what they do is like , is either , they either put a can over there or a beer or something , they put it over the end of the , the weapon pull the trigger and that , even with a flash that can go like that , and then they show you one with the , the erm flashes right which have more powerful than the and they 've actually got same again same charge as a life grenade in , but it just plain cardboard so , obviously no trap , but if you lay on them ooh er , you get or something you do n't throw what they do now is they put one they light one , put the helmet over the top of it and make it lit , it runs like buggery and it 'll go a hundred , a hundred and fifty foot up in the air and inside it looks like its been and where its been in the thing it 'll be like er , six seventy foot off the ground , I mean I laid on one once and I , landed about two foot too my left so I 've rolled over , rolled , rolled , and rolled , as I 've rolled I 've rolled over on my back and I 've had all loads of over , like the , I had a roll there its like the er
20 She took hold of it and put it down on the floor .
21 What I tried to teach people was that if we did n't increase the added value , but took more of it and put it in our pockets , the only place we could take it from was the glass marked reinvestment and that makes people unemployed quicker than anything — and permanently .
22 Now , it 's illogical for a so-called Government that 's in power with all the financial expertise to talk about getting shut of it and leave it in to cause misery to people .
23 Sometimes I will have abandoned a painting , got really tired of it and feel it 's not getting anywhere , and you will come and make some remark that makes me look at it again and think : oh yes , I could just pull that one together .
24 Please keep a note of it and quote it if you write to us .
25 For Sat , for , for next week I 've got to transcribe some of it and do it .
26 Johnny Kirk , whose family had been connected with the ‘ mayor-making ’ over the years , said they did not want to make a big production of it or turn it into a tourist attraction ; they wanted to keep it as it was , ‘ a local event for local people ’ .
27 Others who would normally have that capacity may be deprived of it or have it reduced by reason of temporary factors , such as unconsciousness or confusion or other effects of shock , severe fatigue , pain or drugs being used in their treatment .
28 I 've been offered the opportunity by er Bob in training er in force have taken this on er the tactical unit have taken it on , the chance of er one day erm assessment or appraisal training , at erm probably at Exeter for those of us that do it and erm I think that perhaps with the the way that the diverse way that our staff 's spread out the proper ways of assessing people which I 've I 've never been shown how to do and I do n't think many of us have .
29 Now if you want to see something that 's up on a shelf at the side , ask one of the helpers wearing a red jersey and they 'll take it down for you and show it to you .
30 erm , you do n't like looking through it , but can I just look through for you and learn it for you .
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