Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Who had forgotten about them and gone off , leaving all those trunks up there ?
2 Those books Thérèse read too but pretended she did n't because then she 'd have to go to confession about them and spell out exactly what she 'd thought .
3 The terms underemployment and ‘ disguised ’ unemployment have a negative ring about them and do little to help our understanding of this type of work .
4 Madeleine said : they could n't be buried in the cemetery if people had forgotten all about them and did n't know where they were , could they ?
5 Please ask your Midland manager about them when setting up your overdraft .
6 ‘ That 's the last yer 'll get off me an' do n't forget I want my suit from the pawnshop when I come back ter fetch me other things . ’
7 He rolls off me and passes out on the pillow , the smell of his drunkenness lingering like something live .
8 But she was trying to wean herself off them and to give in now would be to acknowledge the potency of the nightmare .
9 we bring them all in and , and when we go for breaks we look through them and decide where we 're gon na go next year .
10 Technically , if you hand someone a joint you 're supplying , but it means a lot of work for them and does n't catch the people who are the big fish .
11 Option 7.3.3 — View Individual Task Mail allows users to view any outstanding task mail available for them and respond appropriately or forward it to another user who may be more able to respond .
12 Mostly they were second-rate copies of the kind of American bar-room R&B bands the members of these pub bands had seen in the days when they had a bit more going for them and had actually made it to the States one time in the late sixties or early seventies .
13 Littler was a wily businessman who knew very well that things were difficult for them and realized how badly they needed his business .
14 In an in-depth feature on the Italian scene next month both Botha and Campese — rumoured to be amongst the best paid of the legion of ‘ stranieri ’ in Italy — talk about what Italy holds for them and tackle head-on the issue of pay-for-play .
15 After the liberation they had found their old apartment undamaged , moved back in and set about recreating their old life of searching out young artists , arranging exhibitions for them and building up their own collection of European art .
16 Left a , a crate of Pils for them and carry on painting everything .
17 They said children needed trained professionals to care for them and carry out their treatment programmes .
18 He had the chance to sign for them and did n't go .
19 The children then dive for them and see how many items of treasure they can catch .
20 I 'd play for them or write out any song they wanted to learn as long as they gave me ten or fifteen minutes worth of scales and exercises first . ’
21 In the immediate aftermath of the plague , neither combatant was anxious to resume the war , and both were willing to listen to Pope Innocent VI when he attempted to mediate between them and bring about a lasting peace .
22 When the horses , being bridled to lead them to safety , panicked and lashed out in the dark , threatening to do worse harm to the buildings than the wind would , it was his father who forced his way between them and dragged out the pair who were causing most trouble .
23 Masklin scurried between them and ran on upwards .
24 Now when there is excess flood water it is held between them and let out slowly later .
25 He stared at her , wanting to cross the space between them and kiss away her tears ; to forgive her everything and start again .
26 I squeezed between them and turned round to greet a woman and six children in the back .
27 They took the goose between them and set off along the line that shone silver in the moonlight .
28 Hugh Ritchie , the Departmental Officer one rank above Mr S — , a kind and gentlemanly character with whom I always had rapport , sent for me and asked why I wanted to leave .
29 I little knew then what the future held for me and looking back I can see what a lot I had to learn .
30 I let him work the slot screen for me and point out the sights .
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