Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [conj] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 I could n't , I , I would , if , if , if the company were n't so refined I would say other things about them but I do n't give a hoot .
2 Like Spike Milligan , his jokes are very hard to explain — it 's difficult to say what exactly is funny about them and they do n't read well if you write them down .
3 people keep telling me about them and I do n't seem to write them down , I probably
4 They think we should breed lambs off them and we do n't do that because they are too young to stand the environment , ’ Mr Hartley said .
5 ‘ It 'll be the press gang for thee if we do n't run off , and God knows what 's for me without thee . ’
6 ‘ You know next to nothing about me and you do n't know my father at all , yet you have the nerve to say such things !
7 " I know you do n't feel about me as I do about you , but that does n't matter . "
8 Huh , you have more sympathy for them than I do .
9 ‘ Councils are supposed to provide sites for them but they do n't , ’ I protested , feeling a sudden sympathy for an oppressed minority .
10 I do n't know how long it was that things had been going badly for them but I do know there were problems .
11 This apparently is the system which works in the family : ‘ He does favours for them and they do favours back ’ ( Pahl R.E. , 1984 , p. 340 ) .
12 Users have to ensure that the software works for them and they do not end up working for the software .
13 They do n't set their own terms about what they expect for a good quality of life , so other people do it for them and we do a bad job of it . ’
14 She comes with the reluctant insouciance that says , ‘ You may have paid for me but you do n't own me . ’
15 He never cared for me nor I do n't care for him .
16 That happens to be all right for me because I do not have to commute regularly but it could be a consideration .
17 It did n't er it is a difficult for me because I do n't have the figures er but er Mr er my assistant who er er did do the detailed work , er tells me that it did n't provide as much traffic relief to the A sixty one as did a western relief .
18 I 'm glad Durham seem pleased with the way it worked out , but it will have been a waste of time for me if I do n't do well in Sri Lanka and in the home series against West Indies .
19 ‘ She 'll look for me if I do n't .
20 I shout after him but I do n't follow him .
21 There are parts of me that I do n't like …
22 The airmail letters which he exchanges with his liberal friends in England tell a worse story of them than they do of him , and hark back in fine style to that golden time when such friends used to kneel in London mosques with Michael X and other celebrities , squinting up at the Heavyweight Champion of the World 's effulgent arse .
23 Chocolates , but he eats more of them than I do .
24 Erm and you see people frequently charging across the middle or even to the right-hand side of them because they do n't believe that you know that that they have to you know er be observed and gone round and erm whatever .
25 Unless you want to intimidate the people you are seeing ( and you will get a less truthful picture of them if you do ) then consider conducting the interview in two fairly comfortable chairs placed at angles next to each other .
26 But that , that causes its own problems because erm , you know , do you just become one of them or what do you do , and
27 and I buy four of them and they do her a week and when they 're gone that 's it , she 's got ta wait until I go shopping again .
28 two things of them and I do n't know what they are .
29 You , I 'll bring up some of my eggs , you can have some of them cos I do n't really like , I only like chocolate bars I do n't like chocolate .
30 I 'll pull that long hair of yours if you do n't obey me at once ! ’
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