Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] might [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 A discipline that is structurally diverse , and consists of a loosely related collection of sub-fields might nevertheless be held together by a common ethos or set of norms , attitudes and habits ; even by a common style .
2 The modern equivalent of Mary Queen of Scots might well be the unsuccessful businesswoman who owes her position to her family , and therefore profoundly irritates women who are achieving success — against the natural order of things .
3 While the liaison of Church and king remained close , these arrangements worked , at the worldly level at least , to the advantage of both ; but if the two powers were ever to split , or their interests seriously to diverge , a mass of tensions might quickly be felt .
4 The historicity of texts might reasonably be thought to produce readings which are difficult to incorporate with the textuality of history .
5 A clarification of what society expects of directors might nevertheless be of some value in combination with other measures .
6 The distribution of hoards might also be expected to reflect patterns of warfare and of wealth .
7 Thus Regan sets aside prejudice and thoughtfully explores the idea that the concept of rights might legitimately be applied to some animals .
8 A king 's marriage and the legitimization of heirs might well be " reasons of sin " that allowed the pope to intervene .
9 A pair of secateurs might also be useful .
10 You know things like uppermost in people 's minds , I do n't know whether I suppose this question of fees might still be , I do n't know , it depends what the national executive say , but I mean I think it 's those issues and the fact we can respond quickly is , will be an advantage .
11 It is hard to see what kind of claims might reasonably be made about linguistic variation expressed as average scores of groups such as these ( an additional difficulty being the abstract and contentious nature of social class labels ) .
12 Nevertheless , it seemed reasonable that chemotherapeutic agents known to block the proliferation of cells might also be immunosuppressive .
13 This view is not convincing given that we all have a latent capacity to develop cancer cells through oncogene gene sectors ; exposure to fields might reasonably be supposed to accelerate transmutations .
14 Most of the houses outside towns might justly be described as ‘ peasant ’ accommodation , for Sussex is one of the few English counties where the term had a real and continued significance .
15 Insensitive handling of cash-flow by Accounts might just be the last straw to turn a key person away from you when you need him or her the most .
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