Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] that i do " in BNC.

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1 We can all still bring leather in from our friends in Australia but for reasons that I do n't wholly understand , this is very much dearer than the local er supplies available and for the time being it 's not of interest to the saddlery-makers in Walsall .
2 Once only was I able to talk to Hayward de vive voix , and that was at the Institute of Contemporary Arts , when I referred again to the housekeeper problem ; but in the end , for reasons that I do not know , our Greek candidate , who might have been an admirable choice , was not summoned for interview .
3 Says lots of words that I do n't use .
4 I took my godson , Dominic Robinson , round my laboratory the other day , which is a physics laboratory , and he enjoyed it immensely and asked a number of questions , and was absolutely intrigued and fascinated by the various bits of wires and plugs and so on like that , and he asked me the sort of questions that I do n't think I would expect sometimes my undergraduates to ask .
5 I took my godson , Dominic Robinson , round my laboratory the other day , which is a physics laboratory , and he enjoyed it immensely and asked a number of questions , and was absolutely intrigued and fascinated by the various bits of wires and plugs and so on like that , and he asked me the sort of questions that I do n't think I would expect sometimes my undergraduates to ask .
6 And I need the money to finance my , my climbing , and other kind of things that I do .
7 It 's typical , they just accepted it all , so it did n't really achieve a great deal , but Mike told me quite a lot of things that I do n't really have any idea , or I did n't know about ,
8 Erm but I intend to er contact them again and say to them , Well you know I 'm still here and should you hit problems or find that you 've just lost one of your erm staff who were providing the kind of services that I do , do n't forget that I 'm still here .
9 But there 's a lot of incidents that I do that I just go out , clear it up and I do n't even report a lot of them because you 're only making paperwork for yourself .
10 I believe that you have to be tall to wear the kind of outfits that I do .
11 I do n't have to boast about things that I do well .
12 Now I 'm not able to do tutorials for you this term at the times that you 're available cos they clash with lectures that I do er for another course .
13 Despite this , less money is spent in direct support of our national squads , both men and women , than in many other less wealthy tennis nations , and far too much money is frittered away in areas that I do not believe are the LTA 's responsibility and , in some cases , this actually damages the cause of tennis in Britain .
14 I do n't suppose I 'd get anything from libraries that I do n't know already from the Colour Supplement article , or the interviews .
15 If we can learn to be programmers _ indeed we already are — but if we can learn to instruct the computer , then we 'll retain our dignity and our responsibility in matters rather than really abdicating it in ways that I do n't myself favour .
16 I have explained to pupils that I do not know ‘ the answer ’ and so I can share the excitement of working out a problem with them .
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