Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] and [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Our objective is to get the best price for creditors and it is our view that we will get a better price by waiting . ’
2 Rural Shires get slightly larger allocations for roads and there is generally small variation in the allocations for property and development , with Westminster again being unusual because of the large number of shops and restaurants requiring attention .
3 THE FUNCTIONS OF THE ER : — A large internal surface is provided for reactions and there is provision for rapid internal transport of materials
4 There are , no doubt , many reasons , historical and intellectual , for this distinctive disjointedness between methods and what is regarded as the substance of sociology itself .
5 In Selfoss the assistant in the chemist 's tries to sell us surgical spirit when we ask for meths and there is a pantomime while Tony explains to her , in best sign language , that what he wants is spirit for a Trangia .
6 The Phoenix Arts Centre in Leicester is trying to shake off its persistent image of being just too highbrow for words and it is striving to show the general public that they might actually enjoy some of the things that go on there .
7 It is obviously an emotional occasion for parents and it is important that they recognize , right from the start , that another person now comes first in their child 's love and loyalty .
8 This has been so for decades and there is little on the horizon that threatens to curtail it .
9 Individuals may freely endorse an organisational culture or set of values and who is to say that they have been indoctrinated ?
10 There 's a distinctly inventive yet methodical progression to be found in his solos in these series of takes and there is a collected and rounded economy to his playing that is less remarkable in earlier recordings .
11 It is still an important component of marriage settlements , and it is an element of prestige : it can give independence of employers and it is a security for a man attempting upward social mobility .
12 Rothschild 's Old Court International Reserves has the widest choice of currencies and it is easy to invest .
13 These , accumulating during this second period created an almost limitless reservoir of units and it is this reservoir which can be regarded as being identified with the state of the Created God at the time of the dawn of civilisation .
14 There are many government departments that affect the everyday lives of Scots and it is important that these appointments are balanced . ’
15 Unfortunately , within the party , there is widespread distrust of the approved list of candidates and it is regarded as anything but fair .
16 New research has shown that UVA causes severe ageing changes in the skin of mice and it is virtually certain that humans get degenerative changes , too , and perhaps acceleration of skin cancers .
17 However , the Green Paper has come in for a variety of criticisms and there is little evidence that its recommendations will be acted upon in the short- or medium-term .
18 It may be that the oleoresins of the dipterocarps have an effect on the bacteria of the fore-stomach of colobines and it is now necessary to study the interaction of these bacteria with fibre and the wide range of tannins , some of which shield protein from degradation in the fore-stomach , or denature them so as to enhance proteolysis .
19 We are altogether too frivolous towards feet and it is time that someone put their foot down .
20 Now it is used by all types of banks and it is not uncommon for NBFIs to lend surplus funds through this market .
21 ‘ Proper use of external day/weekend courses tailoring the needs of individuals and what is available ’ …
22 ‘ It is good for the passengers to have a choice of airlines and it is good for the airlines themselves to have to respond and innovate .
23 He is horrified by the contemptuous way in which fat Establishment cats speak of workers and it is particularly unfortunate that his enthusiastic support for co-operatives should have foundered because he backed dodgy horses .
24 The proposition put forward by this view is that technology shapes the problems , demands and forms of organisation of workers and it is precisely the levels of technology that vary so much between the modern , dynamic , industrial sector and traditional areas .
25 This Government is bankrupt of ideas and it is motivated by one thing , the need to survive .
26 Mr Boyle said : ‘ We have considered a number of alternatives and nothing is immediately suitable .
27 A single fallen leaf can smother a wide area of seedlings and it is perhaps no surprise then to learn that it has such a large seed , which could not only penetrate this mass but have enough stores to supply a seedling as it grew up through it .
28 A bridge over the river at Halling has been a debating point for a great number of years and it is a wonder , considering that here has been a main crossing place for hundreds of years and possibly a few thousand , that some structure has not been built .
29 Such a system is inherently inflationary as it encourages escalation of costs and there is no evidence that it gives any encouragement to the cost effective use of different procedures since the health care suppliers know that , whatever the cost , they will be reimbursed .
30 There are data on the genotoxic potential of anthranoids and there is evidence of a tumourigenic potential in rodents .
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