Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] would [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So a fee increase for dentists would break with that .
2 If , if your , if your total turnover was sixteen thousand , then the inspector of taxes would want from you an account which shows how your fifteen thou sixteen thousand has been arrived at , who 's paid you this money because he looks at those and he checks their accounts to see they 've received it obviously , that 's what it is , and wh how is your five thousand pounds made up .
3 But the British Nuclear Forum warns that thousands of Russians would die of hypothermia if the country 's nuclear capacity , which provides 15 per cent of total electricity needs , were to belost .
4 His judgement regarding the timing of the Irish government 's involvement would , he said , be governed by the fact that all three sets of discussions would get under way within weeks of each other .
5 Wide as this range of activities would seem to be , the registers omit one vital aspect of the Council 's work .
6 If the function of the leave requirement is to weed out unarguable or vexatious cases it might be expected that only a small proportion of cases would fail at this stage .
7 The same survey showed that the majority of meetings would fall into the 100–280 delegate bracket , and that provincial hotels would be the greatest beneficiaries .
8 However , the half-life of the process is something like 1022 years ; in other words half a sample of nuclei would decay by this means in 1022 years .
9 The belly was covered in long piercing spikes , and I was going to fall on them any minute , and thousands of spikes would plunge into me — puncture me , penetrate my flesh — and out would pour my life 's blood , red and sticky , all down my body and down the elephant 's body and streakily into the waters of the pond .
10 Questions about the quality and price of commodities would seem to be natural applications for expert determination , but events have not borne out that assumption .
11 If the Managing Director of Cords Plc were to require that next year 's profit show a 15% increase over last year 's performance , how many pairs of trousers would have to be sold each month ( i ) assuming that the Sales Director 's policies were adopted and ( ii ) assuming that they were not adopted .
12 John McKeague of the Shankill Defence Association forecast that thousands of loyalists would gather in Royal Avenue to prevent it marching .
13 In the early days , back to the early days , what sort of boats would come into Ipswich Docks ?
14 Hodgskin 's enthusiasm for free trade was rooted in a belief that the power of governments would wither as the relationships within society became subject to economic laws rather than arbitrary legal systems .
15 A multiplicity of stations would appear in each Latin American capital of importance , some of them among the grandest anywhere .
16 If all long term care was to be given within the NHS the number of beds would have to be expanded by at least a third and probably nearly doubled if , as is often the case , those in residential homes require nursing care .
17 Fred Smithies , union general secretary , said that the redistribution of resources would result from budgets being calculated according to total pupil numbers instead of classes taught .
18 Examples of this are far from rare : on the contrary , this state of affairs would seem to be the norm , for example , for senses which have undergone ‘ metaphorical extension ’ .
19 For that to be possible , the Silmarils and their chain of stories would have to be multi-faceted indeed , leaving scope for ‘ other minds and hands ’ to add their own significances .
20 The Philips Report ( HMSO 1954 ) forecast little change in the dependency ratio overall in the following twenty-five years ( 1954–79 ) , on the assumption that the same proportion of persons would continue to be employed in each age-group .
21 It was calculated that 80 per cent of patients would need to be moved between wards to achieve sectorization .
22 Planners have estimated that belts of trees would have to be some 100 metres deep to reduce noise significantly .
23 Thousand of households would benefit from pylons scheme , inquiry told Thousands of households in the area would benefit from the new pylons scheme proposed for Cleveland and North Yorkshire , a barrister told a public inquiry which opened this week .
24 Two thirds of girls would confide in their mother whereas only one in ten would talk to their dad about sex .
25 Not only would we be able to provide battle-winning equipments for our own forces , but our balance of payments would benefit from a flourishing export trade in armaments .
26 But if inflation could be brought quickly down again , the balance of payments would look after itself .
27 She realized that the mechanics of his deceitful nature would function whatever he truly felt , that the conveyor-belt of lies would continue to be fed even when the demand for them had ceased to exist .
28 The actual phasing out of CFCs would begin in the year 2006 , and under the terms of the protocol India would have to be compensated by some 35 billion rupees for doing so .
29 And as we shall see in the next chapter , a number of feminists would agree with them about that .
30 I can offer an account of what the minimum level to be attained at 16 by 80%-90% of pupils would entail in a few areas of the curriculum … ; in English , pupils would need to demonstrate that they are attentive listeners and confident speakers when dealing with everyday matters of which they have experience , that they can read straightforward written information and pass it on — orally and in written form — without loss of meaning and that they can say clearly what their own views are ; in Mathematics , that they can apply the topics and skills in the foundation list proposed in the Cockcroft Report ; in Science , that they are willing and able to take a practical approach to problems , involving sensible observations and appropriate measurements and can communicate their findings effectively … ; in History , that they possess some historical knowledge and perspective , understand the concepts of cause and consequence , and can compare and extract information from historical evidence and be aware of its limitations ; and in CDT [ craft , design and technology ] , that they can design and make something , using a limited range of materials and calling on a restricted range of concepts and give an account of what they have done and the problems they encountered .
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