Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] even [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 BBCBASIC does not incorporate " garbage collection " routines and it is possible to run out of room for variables even though there should be enough space .
2 ABOVE Tombstones and other carved monuments such as these remains of early Christian crosses can also be treated as finds even if they are still in their original positions .
3 Firstly , the results may simply be due to chance since a search for clusters is likely to reveal some spatial aggregations of cases even if there is no causal explanation : this is particularly true if the age groups , areas , calendar periods , and diagnostic groups to be studied are not specified in advance .
4 I was able to recall perfectly quite long sequences of words even when I was exposed to each for little more than twenty milliseconds .
5 Of the less well known Indian appointments , a place in the Indian Marine also attracted a number of Scots even though it was based at unpopular Bombay , for it was a service which promoted by seniority , and death from wounds or disease could allow the rapid elevation of a healthy midshipman to a position of command .
6 There remains a couple of concerns even though I think this pattern will serve .
7 Moore et al showed that a history of otitis media in children was associated with abnormalities of binaural processing of sounds even when their thresholds for pure tones were normal .
8 Integrity becomes a political ideal when we make the same demand of the state or community taken to be a moral agent , when we insist that the state act on a single , coherent set of principles even when its citizens are divided about what the right principles of justice and fairness really are .
9 Keke Rosberg and Alan Jones , among others , were always in the thick of things even when they were driving what each of them calls a ‘ shit-box ’ .
10 He knew this not just because Uncle Titch said he had — you could n't believe anything a grown-up told you , and Uncle Titch belonged to the world of grown-ups even if he was n't — but because of the tricks he could do .
11 He was jitterbugging with the recoil , and the gun 's momentum kept his first sweep going for a couple of yards even after he realised he 'd missed me .
12 Okay , PRSes are expensive , and that prevents a lot of players even considering one .
13 Not only were we not interested in how socialism was realized , we did n't believe it would make the slightest difference to the position of women even if it were .
14 In wild cats it then more or less disappears as they become adult , but domestic cats remain mentally like kittens even when they are fully grown , and continue to ‘ talk ’ to their human owners like kittens communicating with their mothers .
15 Each internal street has been repaved , with speed bumps installed at 40 metre intervals or paviours arranged to look like bumps even though there is actually no bump at all ( Figure 4.16 ) .
16 Theo , 75 , was threatened with bailiffs even though he told officials he had paid the bill .
17 You were glad when someone suggested that the butter or the jam should be cut up into rations even though you did see the hard selfishness in his eyes as he said it and felt sick because you knew that normally he was neither hard nor selfish .
18 Protein in the urine could indicate a urine infection , which should be treated with antibiotics even if you are not feeling any symptoms such as burning .
19 I thoroughly agree that hospital trusts are proving their worth , but the national health service in Northern Ireland is succeeding with trusts even before they have been established .
20 He thanked me politely and returned to his prying , looking in all the drawers , flicking through files even as he was drinking his tea .
21 They would see a precipitous rise in taxes even though they had high outgoings and despite the fact their income was barely above the combined average earnings for two adults ( approximately £35,000 ) , or even below it .
22 The reductions in university places , just at the time when girls are beginning to gain something like equal access , may have the effect of decreasing the absolute numbers of girls in universities even if they manage to catch up with boys proportionally .
23 I make this declaration because one of my aims in this discussion is to show that we do not need to share other people 's beliefs in order to understand them sympathetically : we can see the sense in beliefs even when we are convinced they are based upon false premisses .
24 Nor do I feel compelled to depart from that conclusion by the fact that , under the present practice , a local authority which acts as a relator in a relator action is required to give an undertaking in damages even though it is so proceeding in order to enforce the law in the public interest .
25 I had a feeling that this jam session on the back of a truck with Bunny was going to end in tears even before I left the house .
26 So it ca n't be the same as in churches even if it stays in the profit ?
27 God still requires obedience to parents even if they are not Christians .
28 Professor Williams , however , not only believes that rape should have a limited ambit because of the severity of the penalty , but that procuring a woman by threat should also be subject to limitations even though its maximum penalty is merely two years ' imprisonment .
29 Seaview is a very friendly place — friends and relatives are encouraged to drop in at any time , and residents feel they can talk to visitors even if they do n't know them .
30 When an Australian newspaper alleged that Kerry Packer had " fixed " the result of a cricket match involving the West Indian team , its captain ( Clive Lloyd ) was entitled to damages even though he was not named in the article and had not been playing in the particular match .
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