Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [pron] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its use has been advocated even for contacts who are HIV positive but symptom free .
2 For an essay referencing is extremely important but for exams it 's nt but just get the names in not necessarily the years Okay , when you think of erm any , when you 're revising stuff and you want to learn studies , try and put them in a context .
3 It is necessary for contemporary women artists so that they can understand the history and the specificity of their positioning as artists who are women , with specific social and cultural locations in terms of class , race and sexuality , as opposed to the stereotypical displacement as ‘ women artists ’ .
4 Some special provision has to be made for depositors who are nominees or trustees .
5 For centuries it was part of the richest life support system in the world .
6 For teenagers there 's Club 16 whilst the children will have the time of their lives under careful supervision at their own ‘ Pirates Club ’ .
7 For headteachers there are opportunities , but also considerable anxieties , involved in taking on greater financial control of the school budget , and these are bound to radiate throughout the school .
8 For readers there were books and rooms set apart as libraries , and there were people who learnt a great deal and people who read furiously and learnt nothing .
9 By May 3 up to 500 Moroccans were being turned back daily from the southern Spanish port of Algeciras as they attempted to enter before May 15 , when a visa became necessary for visitors who were citizens of Morocco , Algeria , Tunisia and Mauritania .
10 For Callinicos it is October which made the vision of social transformation ‘ concrete ’ .
11 Batkin et al. ( 1970 ) show that for rats there are problems of perception of sound at a later stage if temporary deprivation occurs at birth .
12 Next weekend holds a special attraction for youngsters who are members of the railway 's own Stepney Club .
13 Particularly in the 1930s significant shifts in popular attitudes affected political postures , and for a variety of reasons there were calls for increased public sector intervention in a range of national economic and social affairs .
14 According to the chronicler Thomas Walsingham [ q.v. ] he was one of a group of knights who were adherents of the ideas of John Wycliffe [ q.v . ] .
15 A lot of times it 's economics that determines what people do in all their endeavours , and in the case of Hawaii tourism was the thing and so of course they had to play music for tourists .
16 Massey agrees that the fate of entities which are part of large spatially diverse enterprises can be related to explicit planning decisions , but considers that it is dangerous to somehow regard such actions as ‘ worse ’ than the consequences of the anonymous system forces of capitalism as manifested through market relations .
17 In the Faculty of Arts there are degrees in Ancient Civilizations of the Mediterranean and Middle East ( taught by members of the Classics Department , the Faculty of Divinity and the Archaeology Department ) and in Archaeology and Scottish Ethnology .
18 The majority of islanders who are fishermen are based in Ness to the very north of Lewis yet will tie up their boats in Stornoway and drive home .
19 We 're not a , our our physical body 's not made up of a multitude of hands or a multitude of feet there are feet , and the feet has one function , the hand has another .
20 Nevertheless in practice the CNT encompassed a wide variety of positions : dedicated anarchists both violent and pacific ; trade-union reformists ; and large numbers of workers who were trade-unionists first and anarchists very much second .
21 And instead of the gate there were feet , instead of bolts there were hands , instead of the lock there was a mouth with sharp teeth .
22 These migrants differed in some important respects from the 46% of applicants who were non–enrollers , ( those who applied to a particular institution but did not go on to enrol anywhere ) .
23 Er , associated with that are certain behaviours , typically vomiting , laxative abuse , erm , use of diuretics which are water tablets or excessive exercising .
24 And he will find all sorts of possible explanations for the choice of godparents who are friends of the non-Christian couple , equally non-religious and yet quite happy to vow that they will , in the name of the child , renounce the devil and all his works , the vain pomp and glory of the world , with all covetous desires of the same , and the carnal desires of the flesh , so that they will not follow , nor be led by them .
25 Billy Joel and er the River of Dreams it 's Radio Nottingham six minutes to one o'clock now Kids ' County for today these have been the clues , It 's cheap it 's quite big and you can see a pub and you can see the Victoria Baths .
26 If we attempt to put the wrong type of things together , or attempt separate explanations of things which are part of the same natural kind , then we are going to struggle to produce successful science .
27 The sort of things I was doing seemed to be difficult for difficult 's sake ; it was like , ‘ If anybody likes it , then it has to be crap ! ’
28 Disclose the names of persons who were directors at any time during the year .
29 Bibliotheca has a number of features which are improvements on existing text retrieval systems , including the non-necessity for indexing , the non-occurrence of retrieval noise and suitability for general users since any word can be retrieved .
30 Although the distribution of patients who were stone free for > or nine months and 57%
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