Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [conj] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Early versions of the plan , drafted by the Department of Energy , discussed efficiency standards for automobiles , taxes to discourage consumption of fossil fuels , and subsidies for investments that would save energy .
2 I did not become a Labour Member of Parliament or the Chairman of the Select Committee on Employment to work for policies that would lead to chronic mass unemployment .
3 The foundation of a national Board of Education signalled the acceptance within the official culture of a need for policies that would co-ordinate an efficient and fully national system of education , and also allowed the voices of dons who had been calling for a transformation of the traditional curriculum to carry more weight than ever before .
4 Many of the letters we receive come from people living in country towns and villages concerned about proposals that would smother green fields with development , destroy attractive open spaces within the built-up area or ruin important views .
5 Referring to the Autumn Statement 's firm limits on public sector wage increases , its public spending ceilings and its priority for programmes that would help the economy , Mr Lamont said those measures had played a key role in putting Britain on course for recovery and would be continued .
6 The search for subjects that would appeal to audiences narrowed the range of films made , and resulted in a sometimes excessive reliance on stories involving naughty boys , magic drinks , plucky dogs pursuing criminals and clothes left lying around for tramps to pick up .
7 To a combustible internal situation in August 1945 was added the beginnings of great power rivalry and animosity , which would ensure that the deadly hatreds within Korean society would be resolved amid a framework of hostility between superpowers that would have profound repercussions for Korea .
8 She felt that her heart would burst with the ache of love , and searched in her mind for words that would bind him to her and bring him back .
9 ‘ The civil rights march was banned because they were proposing to march through areas that would provoke serious riot . ’
10 They teemed with wonders : individuals blessed with attributes that would have made them , in this , the Fifth Dominion , fit for sainthood , or burning , or both ; cults possessed of secrets that would overturn in a moment the dogmas of faith and physics alike ; beauty that might blind the sun , or set the moon dreaming of fertility .
11 Bukharin was warning that there should not be such a fundamental revision of policies as would mean a return to the arbitrary and commandist methods of ‘ war communism ’ , This meant that , for Bukharin , industrialisation should proceed within the established framework .
12 Buxton was not a man to be deterred by the shipowners ' protestations that the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not only unrepresentative of seamen but would fail " to command support in the event of a decision of a conciliation board which did not secure the immediate approval of the persons affected " .
13 I started by assembling a collection of objects that would provide me with the type of image I had in mind .
14 Mr has mentioned the number of houses that would require demolition and the amount of greenbelt that would be taken .
15 How dare the hon. Gentleman and the Labour party claim to be concerned about jobs when they have put forward a package of proposals that would decimate employment in this country and confine millions of people to the dole queues .
16 It would be based on the carbon content of fuels and would have the biggest effect on the coal industry .
17 The CNAA 's focus at this point was on building up a picture of institutions that would enable it to relax the rules in some cases : the focus was smoother course approval as a reward for experience .
18 There are a lot of institutions that would love our collections .
19 The RSC says that although the combination would create a very large body and might result in a ‘ loss of focus ’ on pollution control , it would avoid serious disruption of programmes and would provide integrated operations at the ‘ delivery end ’ of its service .
20 But he controlled himself — there was a force of mandroids that would have done the controlling , otherwise — and merely snarled a reply that left the old pirate fuming .
21 The directors confirm that the power would only be used if the board was satisfied it was in the best interests of shareholders and would result in an increase in expected earnings per share .
22 As an international loan officer , I learned to forget about security and instead to develop a set of rationales that would make home office feel good about the loan , even though , technically , it was ‘ unsecured ’ .
23 So it did n't necessarily mean that you get a squad of riveters that would stayed together all the time , erm for various reasons , as I say they may have been , unfortunately some of them might even die and therefore you had to make up the squad again
24 Knowing that it was a basic railway practice to use detonators in foggy conditions to protect signals , etc , and as the sound they emitted carried some distance , the men awaited the series of bangs that would herald the presence of a train .
25 As a further stage , Major proposed the creation of a new " hard ecu " whereby the ECU would no longer be defined as a basket of currencies but would become a genuine international currency in its own right ; managed by the EMF , the hard ecu would ( inside the ERM ) stay within its margins and at realignments would never devalue against other EC currencies .
26 Minsky 's ‘ supreme organizer ’ view must be a hierarchical one , for that organizer alone has the model of its relation to other modules , and it must therefore always be in control , because no other module has the model of relationships that would allow it sometimes to be in control ( in the way a heterarchical view requires ) .
27 There are a lot of animals that would like to dine off nome , Masklin had said .
28 There was a certain ritual quality in this exchange , as though Melanie had stumbled on the secret sequence of words that would lead her safe over the sword-edge bridge into the Castle of Corbenic .
29 ‘ Developing countries are afraid funds for combating climate change will come out of funds that would have gone for development aid , ’ says Reddy .
30 The percentage of drivers that would prefer the old 50 km/h limit has fallen from 46 per cent before , to six per cent after , the experimental period .
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