Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It also gave employers legal remedies against industrial action in which no dispute exists between employers and their own employees or which is not wholly or mainly about employment matters .
2 These sensible recommendations were also designed to harmonize relationships between institutions and their local authorities , in that the granting to institutions of considerably more discretion in the control and allocation of resources would help to avoid the kind of disputes that had erupted between them and the local authorities in the past .
3 By using clear and succinct language , the review aims to remove the mystique which surrounds many of these terms and thus to aid discussion between exporters and their professional advisers and to show that a working familiarity is open to all .
4 Finally , while Chomsky assumed that without a priori knowledge , a distributional analysis of a naturally occurring language sample would inevitably fail to identify correspondences between words and their respective lexical roles , more recent studies have suggested that this view may have been unduly pessimistic ( Maratsos 1983 ) .
5 Such intrusions , which rarely attain the dimensions of batholiths , are known as lopoliths and their layered structure tends to lead to the formation of series of outward-facing scarps as they are exposed by erosion .
6 Ball examines the relationship between schools and their wider socio-political context as a dynamic one , emphasizing the variety of ways in which schools cope with and respond to increased external intervention .
7 Running parallel to the changes in the legislative framework , there is a change in the relationship between schools and their immediate environment .
8 We have prepared a wide-ranging study kit for GCSE , which will be available next term , and preparations are in hand for a scheme to construct solid links between schools and their local tennis club .
9 Since then a program 's been written called Database One which means something completely different which has been updated to Database Two and Three and may be Four , which mean different things , that 's why they 've got different numbers , they do more clever things and nowadays you talk , you hear people talking about databases and they all mean different things .
10 Anyway all about chihuahuas and lots more about toy dogs , th fascinating magazine , the World of Toy Dogs .
11 The seneschal or his lieutenant would often act as an arbitrator or third party in conflicts between nobles , or between communes and their neighbouring lords .
12 For film to travel down that road would be to endanger the whole relationship between showmen and their great monolithic audience .
13 Both the Text710 and the corpus contain information about words and their grammatical tags .
14 At the end of Roberto 's small bed are cardboard boxes for shelves and his tiny array of treasures : a miniature straw boat , a small pottery bull , a coloured-in picture of an eagle .
15 The strongest disapproval often comes from those who scream about liberties if their own particular indulgences — for assault rifles , say — are attacked .
16 It is anticipated that the relationships between parents and their young sons and daughters will be modified according to changes in the balance of household contributions as the children move towards adult responsibilities .
17 Living back at home , Iain engaged in the time-honoured frictions between parents and their teenage offspring .
18 It was time to forget about Ardakkeans and their mysterious phetam , and get back on course for Vadinamia and the problems that would surely be waiting for me there .
19 What top management needs in order to move towards this plan is an analysis of its present and potential future situation in terms of products and their associated markets .
20 The traditions are being eroded , too , by the repeated turnover of estates and their speculative commercial asset-stripping .
21 The term ‘ the inner city ’ may tell us much more about the manner in which an agenda of social problems is set by the combined and unequal influences of a variety of interest groups than about the political economy of cities but its very reproduction in a set of discourses about ‘ the urban ’ guarantees it a status of its own .
22 Aware as we are these days of groups and their many uses , little exploration has been made until recently of the group as a context for spiritual direction .
23 In Comics : A Decade Of Comedy At The Assembly Rooms , John Connor 's account of the rise of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival through the Eighties , Merton 's name crops up a mere couple of times and his comic style is referred to only once , and as ‘ surreal ’ .
24 Bernard , you 've been to a lot of meetings since we last talked to you , what 's been happening in the speedway world ?
25 A description which deals with actual tokens of language use reveals the relative frequency of forms and their habitual co-occurrence in different contexts .
26 The outcome has been a major advance in thinking about the curriculum in holistic terms , in which curriculum planning is done not just in terms of subjects and their traditional labels , but also in terms of areas of experience , skills and processes as well as knowledge , and personal and affective aspects as well as the cognitive .
27 He was fortunate in that his choice of subjects and his robust story-telling were perfectly in tune with his reading public .
28 Nothing is known of Henry Best 's early years , although his collection of books and his literary ability indicate a good education .
29 Even where there is no doubt about the identity of words and their correct sequence , replicating these alone does not guarantee an adequate representation of a text .
30 However , this young man , besides having the wrong car , was not the most talented of drivers and my first ten minutes were taken up with some anxiety about the likelihood of our arriving at the Consulate intact .
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