Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it is time we had a choice between parties which agree that liberal free-market economics are here to stay .
2 For him , education comes first , but he welcomes the new atmosphere of access to information about schools which means that Glenlola 's achievements are public knowledge .
3 The Gulfs economic environment also provided only limited regional outlets for funds which meant that a diversification of loan risks necessitated overseas involvement .
4 Mahmoud came in again later on and when we asked for books he said that we could have encyclopedias .
5 For solutions they thought that London could be considered from three points of view : as a community — where people live , work and play ; as a metropolis — the seat of Government and a great cultural and commercial centre ; and as a machine — of locomotion .
6 Here 's news for parents who find that bringing up children is more tricky than they thought .
7 A group of Puritans who felt that the Church of England was too close to the Roman Catholic Church had left England and gone to the Netherlands ; they noticed with regret that their children were becoming Dutch in speech and habits , and some of them decided that their best prospect of remaining both godly and English was to get in touch with the Plymouth merchants , obtain from them financial support and the legal right to found a colony , and go somewhere in America where English bishops would not interfere with them .
8 He is in particular concerned to rebut the argument of anti-Darwinists who claim that if mutations are merely ‘ random ’ they can not be biased towards improvement .
9 Spotila cites the findings of researchers who report that the komodo dragon , the largest living lizard , has a body temperature of 36 to 40°C while active .
10 The discussion which follows in the Report for young people in general is based mainly on a rating which is established by subtracting the number of employers who think that young people are worse than older workers from those who think that they are better on each of these attributes .
11 To help us get our bearings there are three pages of typewritten text and a couple of maps which show that Kashgar is surrounded by China , Tibet , India , Pakistan , Afghanistan and Russia .
12 Liberal democracy describes the political system in a number of countries that meet certain criteria , such as the freedoms to form and join organizations , to express opinions , to vote and to compete for votes and to stand for public office , plus the holding of free and fair elections and the existence of institutions which ensure that government policies reflect popularly expressed preferences ( Johnston , 1989d , after Dahl , 1978 ) .
13 Underlying the suffrage struggle was a set of attitudes which dictated that women 's natural sphere was the home , that their full development came only with motherhood and that a ‘ womanly woman ’ would not be interested in or want the vote .
14 Going back a couple of generations we find that our buying and selling prices of Rodin , Bourdelle , Maillol and their period depend precisely on subject and availability .
15 Later Ramsey used to mock the complacency of clergymen who said that their training college gave them habits of devotion ‘ which they had never lost ’ .
16 However , if we look at the remaining 20% of sessions we find that they fall into two classes .
17 About the number of authors who write that ‘ the Champagne vineyards are confined to the belemnite-rich chalk and that the lower beds , where belemnites are lacking , produce inferior grapes which are never used for Champagne ’ , he comments : ‘ They infer that the Campanian has some special but undefined property which makes it superior for vine-growing .
18 As he walked between the lines of cars he saw that one of them was parked so it was sticking out .
19 There are , however , a number of considerations which suggest that the economists who criticised the industry exaggerated their case .
20 It will certainly do nothing to resolve the philosophical doubts of those who regard art and design as essentially different or yet others working in the art and design faculties of polytechnics who fear that the technological and scientific ambiance of the institution is inimical to the needs and style of high-level art education .
21 There is even a list of offices which claims that a dux was in charge of twelve civitates , but although this text has been seen as a Merovingian document , it is almost certainly a school-book , originating perhaps in the British Isles .
22 He was entirely comfortable with the predictable opinion of the Senior Chief Inspector of Schools who confessed that ‘ I am not much moved by what appears to sacrifice the interests of the few in favour of the many when one result is certain to be that the quality of the person required to fill posts of great importance and of a highly specialized nature is likely to be degraded . ’
23 As such , it should command the attention even of readers who feel that they have no time for the art .
24 By hyping through shock value alone Malcolm McLaren had provided a model with the Sex Pistols and in his wake came a new wave of manager-entrepreneurs who recognised that the process of ‘ selling ’ a performer began long before you signed a record contract .
25 These trading companies handle about half of all Japanese exports and approximately 65 per cent of imports which means that they can arrange the purchase of raw materials from abroad , organize the export of finished goods as well as marketing within Japan .
26 I suspect that they also had scholarly and dedicated teachers and well read ministers and the encouragement of parents who realised that the only chance their children had of improving their way of life was by having the best education possible which would enable them to compete for the limited number of places which were available in the colleges and universities .
27 The Department has published the results of trials which suggest that a single hectare of coppice can provide up to 15 tonnes of fuelwood every year — sufficient to heat a large farmhouse .
28 Brothers are more readily excused than sisters , it would seem , although even here Lewis and Meredith report considerable bitterness on the part of carers who felt that their brothers should be playing a more prominent , if minor , role in the care of their parents .
29 No , but you can , you can build any amount of hostels you like that could accommodate all , all the people that there are , but you would still find a proportion of those who do n't want to come into the system , so , you know
30 Similarly , if we can image that the research could lead to a diverging range of possibilities we believe that it is much more likely to lead to unexpected discoveries than would be the case if researchers were focused on a well specified target .
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