Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [be] [being] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a major career step to receive an NEA grant , whereas a state or local award does n't carry as much weight as when comparisons between artists are being made nationally ’ .
2 Weak demand for windows for homes is being offset elsewhere and the West Midlands property developments and disposals are helping to keep the leap in interest charges within bounds .
3 An appeal for funds is being established now so that there will be enough money in the kitty to be able to commence work on the locomotive as soon as it is taken out of service next year .
4 To mark the occasion a " Swiss Trail " for walkers is being opened in the " Heartland " around the Uri Lake south of Brunnen .
5 The Economy Minister revealed that ‘ further good news ’ was in the pipeline , and hinted that a couple of projects were being negotiated .
6 He said that in spite of gloom and doom in some quarters about falling markets for offshore structures , a healthy number of projects were being proposed for approval and exploration success rates in the North Sea remained high .
7 SIGNS are beginning to emerge that the survival of some firms of solicitors is being threatened by the collapse of the housing market .
8 SIGNS are beginning to emerge that the survival of some firms of solicitors is being threatened by the collapse of the housing market .
9 But doubts about G Tec have spread beyond California , in Baltimore , Maryland , the company also operates the state lottery , here too the awarding of contracts is being scrutinized , a forty nine million dollar contract to provide a popular computerized casino game called Keyknow is being investigated by a grand jury .
10 Kessel ( 1965 ) has suggested a limit to the amount of tablets that could be dispensed at a given time , and in some areas chemist shop assistants are instructed to refer customers to senior staff when large amounts of tablets are being requested .
11 THIS year is the year in which the centenary of the World 's Parliament of Religions is being celebrated .
12 In some ways Perrett 's findings can be seen as an extension of the results on prestriate cortex in that higher order properties of objects are being encoded , using information from representations of lower order properties .
13 Later in the summer the appeal will be made public and a programme of activities is being planned .
14 The usual range of activities is being provided and new ones have been introduced .
15 A number of proposals are being worked on by housing associations , by voluntary housing bodies , by the Royal British Legion and by the Soldiers ' , Sailors ' and Airmen 's Families Association , which are working with the Confederation of British Industry , the Institute of Directors and the Department of Employment on a whole range of opportunities .
16 When in 1953 Wyndham Lewis suggested a further campaign to release Pound from confinement , Eliot at first advised against any precipitate step : a number of proposals were being considered — including a letter to President Eisenhower — but he was wary of doing anything from England without being sure that there was approval for such moves in America .
17 National Trust regional director , Merlin Waterson , said ‘ protected ’ species of birds were being shot by trespassers and the shingle banks were being used by off-road vehicle enthusiasts .
18 And increasingly complaints from businesses , complaints about unfair competition , erm the second point is that the , the report has been sent to vote upon now , but also to a number of er business and consumer organisations in the county a range of views is being expressed in response , as you 'd expect , but in general terms most recognised there are particular trading , trend and pattern which needs to be addressed erm but most have all especially with the er display of this same as registration some form of registration must on the national basis would be erm a , a solution to this support .
19 Um , usually these kinds of writings were written by y'know kind of upper class white heterosexual men erm so er you can see where that kind of prospective was coming from , but er nevertheless these kinds of views were being expressed around about that time .
20 However , an increasing number of cases are being reported in which patients ' pain does not respond as expected to the most powerful opiates .
21 His choice of vegetables was being dictated to him over a portable telephone .
22 Although the existence of defences is being used here as the criterion for the presence of elements in the provincial administration , the reverse may not always be true .
23 Imagine that a series of pebbles is being dropped in quick succession into the middle of a pond , so that waves are continuously radiating out from the middle .
24 Thousands of questionnaires are being sent out to guage reaction to the plans .
25 ‘ But do n't fed any sense of anticlimax , because everyone here wants to meet you , and all sorts of parties are being arranged , and several people are going to be calling you in the morning . ’
26 The majority of fighters are being exploited .
27 His appointment underlines the commitment with which harmonisation of relationships is being sought amongst those at Lord 's .
28 [ An up-dated directory of innovative projects and design of units is being compiled by SAD and the Dementia Services Development Centre — to be released in November 1990 ] .
29 The first problem is that a graph of units is being layed over a continuum .
30 Meanwhile organisers of illegal-raves are being warned .
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