Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [Wh det] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 They were shaped within a world dominated by respectable values , but even when the patterns approximated ( as they did in the eventually declining birthrate ) they did so for reasons which had a different rationale in each class .
2 Look for products which contain a minimum 40% protein and no more than 5% fibre content — and also state that the vitamins and minerals have been added .
3 I also find it useful for patterns which have a lot of single stitches in them .
4 It gives details of BT 's consumption of energy and includes specific targets for activities which have an environmental impact .
5 Experience of objects is mediated by the senses , and it takes some time before the child appreciates that objects are best understood not as functions of action and sensation , but as entities which have an existence that is independent of the child 's own actions and experiences .
6 In the Gulbenkian Report the clear exposition of the idea that the arts mediate between an individual 's inner being and the external world , and that this gives an educational role to arts activities in the development of pupil personality , appears to have impressed not only arts educators but almost all those administrators , such as GRIST coordinators , who were responsible for programmes which included an arts element .
7 It may be , too , that a distinction needs to be drawn between groups which have a non-executive membership and groups which do not : the Child Poverty Action Group does not have non-executive members .
8 For example , most trade unions started out as organizations which delivered a range of material benefits , such as insurance against unemployment or sickness .
9 The majority of people also voted for parties which advocate a Scottish parliament , but the Government rejects it .
10 But in many societies the position is exactly reversed ; homicide invites private reprisal , while many types of sexual offence lead to public punishment because they are regarded as sins which generate a condition of ritual pollution and thus endanger the whole community .
11 Observers noted that the open skies treaty would offer a source of information on military movements for countries which lacked a satellite capability , the main means by which the USA and the Soviet Union gathered such intelligence on each other in the past .
12 Two alternative approaches have been made to the question of the patent protection of inventions which include a computer program .
13 Such an hierarchical table ( Fig. 1.28 ) can be supplemented by lists or sequences of operations which define a plan or a subroutine within a total task .
14 Level II recognises competence in a more demanding range of activities which require a degree of individual responsibility .
15 Each reader contains two pages of activities which provide a balance of structural and communicative activities .
16 Where … as in a mature legal system , we have a system of rules which includes a rule of recognition so that the status of a rule as a member of the system now depends on whether it satisfies certain criteria provided by the rule of recognition , this brings with it a new application of the word ‘ exist ’ .
17 the goal , if it finds a sequence of rules which produce a goal fail , otherwise .
18 On the rocky point near the settlement we came across a small flock of birds which had a very familiar look about them : they were whimbrel , that Arctic version of the curlew which breeds on most of the northern islands , including Shetland .
19 Clearly there are a number of institutions which play a part in the reproduction of inequality , whether at a material or an ideological level .
20 Here the paintings of Futurists such as Boccioni 's ‘ Riot ’ in the gallery and Russolo 's ‘ Revolt ’ are recalled both by the subject and the organisation of forms which implies a melée but which is itself carefully constructed .
21 BMC national officer Roger Payne explained that the policy at the BMC is to try and give funding to experienced groups of British climbers attempting the sort of peaks which provide a strong technical challenge but are unlikely to get commercial sponsorship , simply because no-one apart from climbers has ever heard of them .
22 Clearly there are a number of images which reveal a hinterland of religious suggestion .
23 How you decide on the assembly order is very much a matter of personal judgement , but the principles of shot to shot continuity , the function of cutaways , and the ordering of your material into a logical progression of images which tell a story , all follow the same rules as for in-camera editing .
24 Penguin publish a number of books which provide a good background to first-year courses , including Pen , J. Modern Economics ; Mishan , E. The Costs of Economic Growth ; Stewart , M. Keynes and After .
25 It is an opportunity for the field man to educate people into what they can and can not discharge into the river , and it contributes to a network of relationships which creates a means of learning about pollutions shortly after they occur .
26 Fundamentally , it is a social rather than a psychological variable , its main purpose being to enable the researcher to compare individuals in such a way as to focus on differences between them with respect to degree of integration into a set of relationships which constitute a group capable of exerting normative pressure .
27 In the case of words which combine a fairly definite descriptive meaning with a valuational meaning it is rather a puzzle to say what correct linguistic usage bids one do , if one recognizes that something answers to the descriptive meaning , but does not have the attitude towards it which the word expresses in virtue of its ‘ value charge ’ , as one might put it .
28 It is verbal irony when some character comes out with a statement or a choice of words which have a meaning to those in the know , either within the text or outside it , that is significantly different or even contradictory to that which the character may be supposed to have in mind .
29 RAF Swinderby was ‘ contractorised ’ as far back as the 1960s because the ending of National Service led to a shortage of cooks and stewards and now ther are probably about a score of units which work a mainly 9–5 day , or where the numbers are fairly small , that may be most suitable for ‘ contractorising ’ .
30 In 1773 a London eccentric , James Cox , a goldsmith with premises off Fleet Street , was given permission by an Act of Parliament to disperse a collection of curiosities which formed a small museum he ran .
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