Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [vb pp] against [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes , ’ Harry said , through teeth clenched against the cold and the deeper cold of fear .
2 TEN BOB IN WINTER : A comedy of manners set against the lives of West Indian immigrant workers in London in the sixties .
3 They liked to tell stories of funny replies to canvass enquiries or of japes played against the socialists , when putting up or pulling down posters .
4 After the secure unit order was made , there was a brief youth court hearing concerning an unspecified number of offences alleged against the boy .
5 After the secure unit order was made , there was a youth court hearing concerning a number of offences alleged against the boy .
6 Here we show that injection of antibodies raised against the pax[b] protein causes a localized malformation at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary .
7 T-cell activation or the presence of antibodies directed against the top of domain 1 is necessary to make this epitope available .
8 However no shareholder rebellion was on the cards given the satisfaction with the group 's recent performance and only a handful of investors voted against the proposal .
9 All I can see is hands and the hard bulk of bodies pressed against the glass .
10 A sad old woman rose from her chair , as from a dais , to take their coats and hang them on a row of hooks nailed against a wall .
11 During the conference thousands of demonstrators protested against the US visa restrictions and over alleged inadequate government funding of AIDS research and patient care .
12 At the sight of windows lit against the gathering gloom she had a sudden desire to turn tail and run , to take refuge below in the Angharad .
13 His words were drowned out by the roar of automatic fire , as another hail of slugs hammered against the metal sheeting of the door and screamed into the far wall .
14 The commission , supposedly independent but appointed by the military government , said that it was investigating various claims of irregularities made against the candidates .
15 The Party Conference at Southport at Whitsun was thus presented with the most drastic series of measures taken against the Left since the Edinburgh Conference .
16 But will the arrival of the BAF make a discernible difference to the lot of road runners , many of whom feel that structures and attitudes within athletics have for years worked against the interests of road runners at all levels ?
17 They saw small children with noses pressed against the window of Birdie Mac 's , and men with caps pulled well down over their faces coming out of Shea 's pub .
18 In D. cochleata the leaves are arched with edges pressed against the trunk , adventitious roots and ant broods with debris underneath , while in D. major ( D. rafflesiana ) , the leaf forms a sac into which ants and adventitious roots go , though the nests are elsewhere .
19 The costs incurred by the Fund on behalf of a successful assisted party are defrayed from costs awarded against the loser .
20 The High Court settlement came in actions brought against the New Statesman 's printers , BPCC Magazines ( Colchester ) , the distributors Comags and the newsagents John Menzies .
21 The angle of the sciatic notch in degrees plotted against the ischium-pubis index in per cent .
22 The questions were raised in proceedings brought against the Secretary of State for Transport by Factortame Ltd. and other companies incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom , and also the directors and shareholders of those companies , most of whom are Spanish nationals ( hereinafter together referred to as ‘ the applicants in the main proceedings ’ ) .
23 Prisoners who shared a cell with an alleged murderer have been telling a jury about threats made against a police informer whose body was later found in a lake .
24 Evangelical opponents of cruelty to animals campaigned against the trade in feathers , along with other forms of cruelty closer to home including cock-fighting and scientific vivisection experiments .
25 The decision has no bearing on offences committed against the company . ’
26 However , the other category of liability for personal injury or death which the party in default can seek to pass on to the innocent party is that relating to claims made against the party in default by third parties , who have suffered death or personal injury by reason of the negligence of the party in default .
27 YESTERDAY 'S Diary explained where the main parties stood on British Rail ( between carriages jammed against the netty door , very likely . )
28 This electrical control activity can be detected by electrodes placed surgically in the bowel wall or by electrodes placed against the mucosal surface by intubation techniques .
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