Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [vb pp] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The relationships can now be changed , delays between activities inserted and the whole built up into a complex network that can be displayed as a PERT chart by using the optional unit .
2 Following the plant tour , our visitors were taken in small groups through the exhibition and were clearly impressed with the interesting and informative array of products displayed and the diverse industries served by our company .
3 To the enthusiast , the loss of no less than fourteen locomotive designs was countered by the application of highly distinctive sector liveries , all the more interesting because of the number of attempts made before the final choices were made .
4 More narrowly defined they refer to work effort , i.e. the number of hours worked and the effort per hour worked .
5 The Secretary of State has said several times today how proud he is of British Rail 's safety record — a pride which we all share — but that is surely no reason not to look again at the real doubts that have arisen in the past year about manning , the number of hours worked and the quality of some of the new systems of signalling that are being installed .
6 The number of mutations increased as the parents became more alike .
7 Difficulties will emerge later unless considerable thought is given at this stage to the appropriate range of skills required and the consequent problems of interdisciplinary communication .
8 There were no statistically signficant differences between the age groups analysed for the number of questionnaires returned or the dyspepsia rate ( which was highest in the 61–65 year age group , although the numbers in this group were small ) .
9 Two previous experimental studies have shown an opposite effect , which may be due to the different species or sex of animals used and the methods of assessing cellular proliferation ( stathmokinetic technique v labelling index using tritiated thymidine ) .
10 The structure of sentences , the use of repetition , the linking ( or not ) of thoughts or ideas , the variety of words used and the grammatical structure of sentences yield yet more clues .
11 Because every colour TV channel soaks up another 8 MHz of bandwidth there is a trade-off between the number of channels carried and the distance between equalisers and amplifiers .
12 5.2.2 VAT ( or any tax of a similar nature that may be substituted for it or levied in addition to it ) chargeable in respect of any payment made by the Tenant under any of the terms of or in connection with this Lease or in respect of any payment made by the Landlord where the Tenant agrees in this Lease to reimburse the Landlord for such payment The tenant should insure that there is excluded from the tenant 's liability any taxes properly payable by the landlord both in respect of rents received and the landlord 's dealings with the reversionary interest .
13 The number of bills allotted and the prices ( quoted as a percentage discount ) can be seen in the money market report of the Financial Times on the following Monday .
14 The firmness of the mattress depends on the number of springs used and the heaviness or gauge of the wire .
15 It is difficult to imagine an appropriate ‘ diagram ’ which could incorporate both the sequential pattern of elements introduced and the interrelatedness of those elements with each other and with the contextual features .
16 Despite the rapid increase in the number of large-scale excavations of settlements , only three have been published ( Bell 1977 ; Millett 1983 ; West 1985 ) ; a similar problem pertains with the number of cemeteries examined since the Second World War and which remain unpublished , denying a generation of researchers the data from modern excavations .
17 This can allow us to draw conclusions about the number of atoms involved and the symmetry of the group .
18 In fact there were several drafts of the plan , each more ambitious in terms of targets set than the previous one .
19 Due to the numbers of guests involved and the limited size of the branch accommodation the venues were to be away from the branch .
20 Nevertheless , the large number of organisations involved and the fact that their activities are not centrally co-ordinated as in Northern Ireland , suggests that there may be scope for confusion or conflict between them .
21 The number of plants required and the relative costs for each method were calculated to detect 10% , 20% and 50% differences in LAI .
22 The grand total of awards made since the European Script Fund opened its doors in April 1989 has been 236 from over 2200 submissions received .
23 Thus it is only in cases of debate about the reasonableness of costs incurred that the different bases of taxation produce any difference in the actual costs received .
24 This is to be done by a questionnaire which will seek to identify the channels through which jobs are sought , the number of firms approached and the wages expected and gained .
25 I have so enjoyed the magazine , and am very impressed by the diversity of topics covered and the high quality of the reproductions .
26 The range of topics covered and the nature of the professional development activities undertaken are detailed in 2.2.2 .
27 To illustrate the type of problems encountered and the extent to which they are overcome the process of forward planning of student numbers is chosen as a test case .
28 Page and Time records the number of pages printed and the amount of time spent on each WP job .
29 Superovulation ( Chapter 1 , Section 5.4 ) increases both the number of eggs recovered and the synchrony , and , if combined with the use of a mitotic arrestant to accumulate eggs in metaphase , the success rate is greatly increased .
30 For the moment , however , and on the assumption that peasant-based revolution takes years of quiet combustion before the fire breaks out , the number of flashpoints increased as the cities grew .
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