Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [coord] [ex0] is " in BNC.

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1 Rural Shires get slightly larger allocations for roads and there is generally small variation in the allocations for property and development , with Westminster again being unusual because of the large number of shops and restaurants requiring attention .
2 THE FUNCTIONS OF THE ER : — A large internal surface is provided for reactions and there is provision for rapid internal transport of materials
3 Wives may act as secretaries but there is often difficulty in contracting sub-contractors during normal office hours .
4 In Selfoss the assistant in the chemist 's tries to sell us surgical spirit when we ask for meths and there is a pantomime while Tony explains to her , in best sign language , that what he wants is spirit for a Trangia .
5 This has been so for decades and there is little on the horizon that threatens to curtail it .
6 There 's a distinctly inventive yet methodical progression to be found in his solos in these series of takes and there is a collected and rounded economy to his playing that is less remarkable in earlier recordings .
7 ‘ There have been an awful lot of investigations but there is still a lot of controversy about this , ’ said Mr Ralph Tadema Wielandt , head of the project .
8 The statement does have a phrase in it in which it says that Jesus declared the forgiveness of sins but there is an immense difference between declaring forgiveness and making forgiveness .
9 However , the Green Paper has come in for a variety of criticisms and there is little evidence that its recommendations will be acted upon in the short- or medium-term .
10 Such a system is inherently inflationary as it encourages escalation of costs and there is no evidence that it gives any encouragement to the cost effective use of different procedures since the health care suppliers know that , whatever the cost , they will be reimbursed .
11 There are data on the genotoxic potential of anthranoids and there is evidence of a tumourigenic potential in rodents .
12 There may be some discomfort in the area for a couple of days but there is no physical harm .
13 If you walk into a room full of strangers and there is only one person in that room whom you know , you will immediately see and recognise that person , however many people are in the room , because here is something which interests you — your human oasis in a desert of unfamiliar faces .
14 The key issue is the question of supply of goods and there is separate provision under s14 of TDA 1968 for services .
15 Pupils are to be found in a number of rooms and there is more noise here .
16 The bedroom has Chloe 's cot , our bed , a chest of drawers and there is no room for anything else .
17 Infection control is only one element in the care of a patient but it is an indicator of standards and there is no disputing how vital it is when one considers the prevalence of nosocomial or hospital-acquired infection ( HAI ) .
18 There is no legal limit on the number of ministers but there is a limit on the number who can sit and vote in the Commons ( House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 , s.2(1) ) , presently 95 and a limit to the number of ministerial salaries which can be paid ( Ministerial and other Salaries Act 1975 ) .
19 During the next 18 months the cereals regime of the Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) is due to be reassessed by the Council of Ministers and there is a widespread conviction within the agricultural industry , and among its observers , that the present system will be replaced by one designed to reduce cereal output .
20 erm particularly with planners but there is no doubt , and I , and this is no joking matter , that there are an awful lot of agencies of one sort or another who are finding that they are actually having to get on with other agencies .
21 The classrooms in which such learning takes place may look very different from those in which I sat as a child 50 years ago ( the walls are covered with paintings and there is a computer in the corner , the desks are informally arranged ) but the assumption that all learning is determined , ordered and mediated through the teacher is the common thread which links the schools of the 1980s with those of my pre-war childhood .
22 Except that money , in Darcy 's Utopia , will count for nothing : just as it counts for nothing in Moscow today : where pockets are stuffed with roubles but there is nothing to buy .
23 I believe that you that you must never stand still in newspapers , you have to keep committing , you have to keep expanding and you halve to go with trends and there is a trend for this kind of publication .
24 Both types of ‘ internal market ’ are present in Working for patients and there is evidence of tension between the two types of provision .
25 Cellulose seldom occurs in animals but there is one rather dim little class of marine animals , the Tunicates , which are mostly made from cellulose .
26 Gas hotplates on ordinary cookers have hardly changed in decades but there is nothing ordinary about the new Discovery .
27 However , it does cause similar abnormalities in monkeys and there is evidence that it may cause blood vessels in the limbs to leak , which leads to severe damage of the surrounding cells .
28 The mtDNA from C.reinhardtii is strikingly unlike the plant or any other known mitochondrial genome from eukaryotes and there is little indication that C.reinhardtii and plants share a common mitochondrial ancestor ( 23 , 24 ) .
29 Christina Onassis suffered in spades and there is something of Greek tragedy about her increasingly desperate search for the human affection of which she was starved as a child .
30 They comprise : a goodwill write-off on disposal of the Glassrock ( home health care ) operation in the — US £117.1m ( BOC stresses the charge is balanced by an equal credit to reserves and there is no effect on shareholders ' equity or cash flow ) ; reorganisation and disposal of Glassrock — profit £14m ; reorganisation of health care division — £25.4m ; and profit on the disposal of fixed assets from continuing operations £1.6m
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