Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun prp] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One of the people I talked to was a salesman for Allied Dunbar and said they 'd do a great job .
2 To facilitate this aim the Presidents had signed an Economic Action Plan for Central America and agreed that discussions should proceed on the revival of the Central American Common Market .
3 There are also lower resorts with especially good snow records such as up-market Lech and Zurs in Austria and duty-free Livigno in Italy .
4 Chandra Shekhar dismissed the government of Tamil Nadu and imposed direct rule on Jan. 30 , bringing to four the number of states being run directly by central government .
5 But here , in the heart of rural Stirlingshire and surrounded by the party faithful , he is in good form .
6 They have generally responded to its gentle evocation of rural America but have seen the action as being essentially melodramatic and the politics confused .
7 Pearn and the members of his staff had started a monthly publication called Burma Today , giving news brought out by men who had gone in with Wingate , photographs taken by army photographers or by RAF planes on patrol , and first-hand accounts by people smuggled out of occupied Burma or coming out from the growing number of liberated areas .
8 And there is one well-known fact of present-day RP and SBE that points to the importance of the velars in the ancestral forms of those dialects also .
9 These expressed hostility to Britain 's pre-eminent position , the demand for greater democracy in the country , and a widely held belief that the Hashemites had an understanding with Israel not to attempt to recapture any of Israeli Palestine but to punish severely any Palestinian who violated the Armistice Line .
10 There is , in fact , virtually no area at all where rabbits can not exist — they can support themselves on the edge of suburban Britain and maintain vast colonies on the most inhospitable heathland .
11 Forever Onward through contraceptive devices and old sticks , carrying the good words to new and freshly rotting society , signalling the path of Entertaining Effervescence and weaving artistic patterns of dirty foam while endeavouring to avoid and repel all hellish floating things that do seek to sink its buoyant ideals .
12 One , to the left , straddled the old geographic areas of Switzerland and Austria ; the other , smaller and to the right , traced the border of old Russia and cut down into Rumania .
13 Cedric Downes had himself been on the phone for about five minutes , trying frustratedly to contact British Rail about times of trains to London that day ; yet he could have had little notion of the irrational and frenetic impatience of the man who was trying to contact him ; a man who was betweenwhiles cursing the incompetence of British Telecom and bemoaning the cussedness of the Universe in general .
14 He read about the unemployed in newspapers and saw films about them on television , pacing across photogenic sections of contemporary Britain and muttering darkly about waste and emptiness .
15 It has been seen as a significant feature of contemporary Britain and has been variously offered as a partial explanation of the continuing success of the Conservative party and its socially atypical leadership .
16 Probably the most obvious , and certainly the most enduring , has been the use of tiled motifs , and in some cases larger , more intricate designs , to decorate the platform walls of the main Underground stations of central London and tie them in with their locality above ground .
17 The two groups drove the Phalangists out of the Kantari district of central Beirut and evicted the Maronite militias from their bunkers in the luxury hotels near the port .
18 Cornish GOBLINS who dwell in mines of southwestern England and point out rich veins of lead , silver and tin .
19 Police issued a photograph of little Gareth and appealed to the public to contact them urgently if they had any information .
20 He thought of little Rosamund and went to the high altar where the great missal lay .
21 He was one of the first proponents of detente towards eastern Europe and became the first Western head of government to receive Arab leaders such as Yassir Arafat of the Palestine Liberation Organization and Col. Kadhafi of Libya .
22 Political realism is the oldest , and potentially the most influential , approach to global politics , having its origins in the wars between the city-states of ancient Greece and claiming among its antecedents the writings of Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes .
23 It took place quite a long time ago , it is known as the cessation of the plebs there were two occasions on which the workers of of Ancient Rome and withdrew from the city and their t the terms on which as as far as I recollect the terms of their return where that somebody should write down the law in comprehensible terms and that there should be a special officer , a tribune appointed who could if necessary explain what the law was to them .
24 Last month around fifty pieces of Chinese Ming and Quing porcelain from the original collection of Childs Frick ( son of the collection 's founder ) were placed on permanent display in specially designed cabinets in the museum 's reception area .
25 It is a native of southern Europe and grows in temperate to warm regions in North America .
26 Set up in I 978 with the twin missions of keeping Israeli troops out of southern Lebanon and helping the Lebanese government to control the Palestinians there , it was never given the strength to do either .
27 The inscription crudely cut into the sarcophagus is in the old langue d'oc of southern France and reads ‘ Here lies Ben a / Obat daughter of En Ram on of Baréges and of Madame Na Hera .
28 As Professor Stone has pointed out , while the growing demand for goods and services is a central feature of eighteenth-century England and provides " the most striking evidence of the rise of the " middling sort " " , the really hard evidence comes from the supply side , from the output growth of the goods and services in question .
29 The Dambusters of 617 squadron used Barnes Wallis 's amazing bouncing bomb to breach the water supplies of industrial Germany and score a major victory for the allies .
30 As well as providing help and advice , and gathering the views of centre staff , 's role is to identify good practice in the development of general SVQ and Skillstart programmes .
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