Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] at " in BNC.

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1 She tried to recall when she had last passed a house , an AA box , a public telephone , but it seemed to her that she had been driving through deserted countryside for at least ten minutes .
2 Campbell concluded that we may not see the effect of economic recovery for at least a year — perhaps not until 1993 .
3 Its success checked sanitary dominance and set the tone of moral regulation for at least a generation .
4 If it is a minor burn it is best to place the burned area in a bowl of cold water for at least ten minutes or until the child says the pain is easing , then cover with a clean , dry , non-fluffy cloth kept in place with a bandage or a clean scarf .
5 The data presented here suggest that social network structure is implicated in processes of linguistic change in at least two ways .
6 Inevitably , priorities also shifted as a result of civil strife , which has been of fundamental importance to at least twelve of sub-Saharan Africa 's forty-one countries .
7 It can remain in this state of suspended animation for at least two years .
8 Following the raid a number of Hyundai executives were arrested , bringing the total of UPP campaign workers detained for violations of electoral law to at least 70 .
9 But we need to have a degree of common ownership of at least the broad parameters of what the world may look like , and we then seek the whole time to simplify down and down and down .
10 It caused £1,500 million of structural damage to at least 35 buildings .
11 Frustrated national movements like those of the Irish , or south Slavs of the Dual Monarchy , of the Armenians in Turkey or the Poles in Russia , could usually rely upon a reflex of ready sympathy in at least some foreign countries .
12 They review this possibility annually and he explained that when they have identified children who will go back they let them go into mainstream school for at first a morning and then one day a week .
13 Complete palliative response — All global and subgrouping scores increase to within normal range for at least two successive measurements
14 He paused before saying good night , and a voice from off-screen cut in at once .
15 Soak the cloud ear fungus in warm water for at least 15 minutes .
16 Have a degree or equivalent qualification directly relating to your employment , and have been in regular employment for at least two years ; and
17 Aftr the patient had remained in recumbent position for at least 10 minutes and the heart rate had reached a steady state , R-R intervals were recrded contrinuously for five minutes or over 170 beats .
18 They were following the perimeter of the cricket ground in full view of at least twenty-two other boys , and Richard was damned if he was going to trail in Murray 's wake before this audience .
19 Immerse the section or plaquette in boiling reagent for at least five minutes .
20 Those currently in receipt of Unemployment Benefit , in other words those who have been unemployed for less than one year , can reopen rights to a further year of unemployment benefit if they work in insured employment for at least eight weeks .
21 Cut out a 23cm 19inch ) circle and leave to harden on non-stick paper for at least 24 hours .
22 For the next four years he was symptom free only while on elemental diet despite at least 12 week trials of prednisolone , azathioprine , and methotrexate .
23 The new structural adjustment programme would be based on concessional aid of at least $600,000,000 annually over three years .
24 He also promised unilaterally to reduce Soviet strategic nuclear warheads to 5,000 , rather than to 6,000 as required under the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty ( START ) [ see pp. 38320-21 ] ; challenged the USA to open negotiations to effect deeper cuts , i.e. a further 50 per cent reduction , in the strategic nuclear arsenal of both countries ; and called on the USA to join the Soviet Union in imposing a ban on nuclear testing for at least a year and to renounce the " no first use " nuclear strategy .
25 These limits have given rise to thorny debate in at least two areas which serve as a reminder that it is not only nonhuman animals which are put at risk :
26 Despite having coached Northerns so well in tandem with Williams in the late Eighties , Eugene Van Wyk was refused and Ian Kirkpatrick , who has not coached at provincial level for at least a decade , has been named .
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