Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [vb past] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 In 1880 St Thomas Aquinas was acknowledged the patron of all Catholic schools and learning , and a great revival of Thomist scholarship began which was to do much to integrate Catholic dogma with the advances of natural science .
2 Thus the number of vacant cells left which can accommodate the next molecule will be
3 To regularly disseminate to teachers , annotated lists of new titles published which are aimed at children and adolescents
4 The YSP in late January approved what was described as the completion of the final stage of the local elections , but on April 13 it was reported that thousands had demonstrated in Aden to protest over the defeat of the capital 's mayor , Naji Othman , in what was described as a delayed election there which had enabled the YSP leadership to secure the return of its own preferred candidate .
5 But US confidence in dealing with Russia was bolstered soon afterwards by the use of the atomic bomb to defeat Japan , and in the two years following a breakdown in East-West relations occurred which , with the decline of Britain to secondary status , left Europe divided between American and Soviet spheres of influence .
6 He said that it was more important than ever that all worked in financial services knew what their company stood for and it was the task of leaders to distil and instil company values .
7 It only reached there by Chief Superintendent knew what he was bloody talking about .
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