Example sentences of "[prep] [indef pn] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They think ah look there 's a bit of drop of water in , there 's a packet of something let's stick it in and stir it up , they never read a packet to see what it could do .
2 ‘ Where the occupier of premises agrees for reward that a person shall have the right to enter and use them for a mutually contemplated purpose , the contract between the parties ( unless it provides to the contrary ) contains an implied warranty that the premises are as safe for that purpose as reasonable care and skill on the part of anyone can make them . ’
3 Whether they 're moving the money from Ffestiniog slate into something else like nobody can prove it but that 's my estimation .
4 Just ordinary furniture like anyone would have I 'm surprised it is n't more glamorous somehow , only larger than life which is what you 'd expect I suppose
5 Unfortunately , French planners seem to have adopted the philosophy Cogito , ergo est ( Thinking enough about something will make it happen ) .
6 As a preliminary to their blockbuster , Castle Houses had arranged the awards dinner and subsidised the tickets so that more or less everyone could afford them .
7 But I 've found that a few years away from something can make you realise just how much you want it — need it . ’
8 I longed to be off , I wanted to be gone before anything could prevent it .
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